NPC Novice Cook

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This page is used by all Novice Cook NPCs.

Novice Cooks are found in crafting areas throughout the Middle-earth. They sell materials and tools to Cooks, as well as recipes below Artisan level.

Name Location Region
Esilia Diggerly Combe Crafting Hall Bree-land
Gil Greenbush Three-farrow Crafting Hall Bree-land
Myrtle Brandybuck Buckland Bree-land
Dofri Gondamon Ered Luin
Faengamil Celondim Ered Luin
Gamall Thorin's Hall - The Maker's Hall Ered Luin
Islífur Thorin's Gate, Crafting Hall Ered Luin
Bess Harpham Ost Forod Evendim
Ruby Peabody Tinnudir (Keep) Evendim
Wilibald Goodchild Oatbarton Evendim
Elin Great Lodge of Sûri-kylä Forochel
Aesbrennil Craft-hall of Esteldín North Downs
Novice Cook Trestlebridge North Downs
Jaspera Noakes Bywater The Shire
Petunia Greenhand Michel Delving's Craft-fair The Shire
Walkelin Bolger Brockenborings The Shire
Wanno Proudfoot Budgeford The Shire
Filegnaneth The Hall of Fire Trollshaws

Quest Involvement
