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River name Ingame course
Ered Luin
Dwarf-canal of Thorin's Hall Thorin's Hall -> Lhûn
Lhûn Icereave Mines -> Celondim
The Shire
The Water Rushock Bog -> Brandywine
Bindbole Creek Bindbole Wood -> Bywater Pool
Shirebourn Green Hill Country -> Brandywine
Brandywine High King's Crossing -> The Marish
Withywindle Tom Bombadil's House -> Brandywine
Starmere Stream Starmere Lake -> Brandywine
Midgewater Stream Bleakrift -> The Midgewater Marshes
The North Downs
Núrsir Annúndir -> Brandywine
Swiftbrook Amon Môth -> Lake Evendim
The Lone-lands
Mitheithel Grothum -> The Last Bridge
The Trollshaws
Bruinen Bruinen Source North -> Mirobel
Arassír Emyn Naer -> Mirobel
Sirannon Walls of Moria -> Mirobel
Glanduin The Serpent-halls -> Durgors
Gap of Rohan
River Isen Isengard -> Wulf's Cleft
Celebrant Mirrormere -> Anduin
Dimrill The Fallen Ice -> Mirrormere
Anduin Taur Hith -> Ethir Anduin
Lagfaur-hah Gathbúrz -> Anduin
The Great River
Limlight Limlight Glade -> Anduin
East Rohan
Entwash Wellinghall -> Anduin
West Rohan
Snowbourn Dunharrow -> Entwash
Deeping-stream Helm's Deep -> Entwash
Mering Stream Beaconwatch -> Entwash
Western Gondor
Morthond Paths of the Dead -> Edhellond
Ringló Gríshru -> Edhellond
Ciril Tathrendalf -> Ringló
Central Gondor
Gilrain Gilrain Woods -> Linhir
Serni Ost Anglebed -> Linhir
Sirith Erynos -> Pelargir
Eastern Gondor
Morgulduin South Ithilien -> Anduin
Erui Upper Lebennin -> Anduin
Gaelos Moon-land Falls -> Anduin
Old Anórien
Forant Eryn Lothad -> Anduin
Anórduin Stonewain Valley -> Anduin