User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - Notes
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- User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - Notes
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- - project Mordor
- of the North - project Strongholds of the North - U22
- - Thread: Strongholds of the North Deeds
- - Thread: Mordor explorer deeds
- Update 22 - Legacy of the Necromancer - March 6, 2018 - patch notes
- Strongholds of the North
- Legacy of the Necromancer
Legacy of the Necromancer

- Update 22 is referred to by two names: Legacy of the Necromancer and Strongholds of the North.
- The release notes name the release, Legacy of the Necromancer, but the region is described as the Strongholds of the North -- and during the development period, before going live on Bullroarer, it was often called "Northern Mirkwood," especially by players.
- The developers describe their activities in a Dev Diary. Which is also referred by two names: "Legacy of an Update: Making Mirkwood and More" in the Article index, and as Update 22 Legacy of the Necromancer in the article itself.
- The Legacy of the Necromancer refers to the Black Book of Mordor.
- Galadriel and Celeborn have business with the forces that remain in Dol Guldur, the fortress of the Necromancer, and in the next chapters of the Black Book of Mordor you’ll discover that your adventure aligns with that purpose.
Patch Notes for U22 on Bullroarer -- Build #1
- Drachyn:
- Bullroarer preview server has been wiped. If you would like to copy an existing character to Bullroarer, start up your usual LIVE launcher and use the LIVE transfer wizard on the world selection screen.
- Visit the Strongholds of the North! Encounter the Elvenking Thranduil, discover what is causing trouble in Dale and Lake-town in the the Dale-lands, and help the renewed dwarven kingdom of Erebor. Accomplish unique goals with new deeds, and defend yourself against the scourges of these three kingdoms. This update includes over 125 new quests, which can be accessed by travelling to any hub in the Strongholds of the North. Additionally, we have a new musical instrument to preview: the fiddle!
- NOTE: The continuation of the Black Book of Mordor is not currently available on Bullroarer for preview.
Region Description: Eryn Lasgalen
The name Mirkwood is no longer. The Wood-elves are reclaiming their forest with the name Wood of Greenleaves, but all is not cleansed yet. Trouble lurks in corners, and mysteries confound the Elves. Where have the spiders gone? Who would steal from the Raft-elves goods? What else has long dwelled, unseen, within the woods?
Region Description: The Dale-lands
Nearly eighty years have passed since a company of Dwarves, a Wizard, and a very short burglar woke a dragon and Lake-town was set aflame. A new Lake-town has been built, Dale has been re-settled, and the Kingdom under the mountain thrives, but change has not lessened its pace. Mere days have passed since Jangovar Easterlings were repelled from Dale. However, new Easterlings have arrived from far Rhûn, dressed in rags, and telling tales of sorrow.
Known Issues
- The slow ride travel routes in the Strongholds of the North may still need some adjustment.
- The Dinner at the Manor instance is currently locked.
Preview Server Only
- PREVIEW ONLY: Eyes & Guard tavern: There is a now a DocOctoport beast in the tavern basement which will bring you to the newest zone.
- PREVIEW ONLY: Eyes&Guard Tavern: Ransroth will now give you Dwarves of Erebor, Elves of Felegoth, and Men of Dale reputation quests. These new tavern reputation quests can be completed even by characters copied from live servers. Composer the cat will now sell you various instruments, including some new Fiddles. Rock in the tavern basement will now give you a quest for Tokens of the Lake and Rivers.
- PREVIEW ONLY: A new type of training dummy has been added to the Eyes&Guard Crafting Hall until a more suitable location can be found. This dummy will remain in combat for 3 minutes and will provide damage done information every minute.
- PREVIEW ONLY: Placeholder maps have been hooked up for the Strongholds of the North to aid navigation while testing.
- Swift travel for silver between Thangulhad and Tham Taerdol only requires discovery and does not require a current or previous subscription status.
- Various areas in Southern Mirkwood have been updated with new trees, frills, rocks, and textures. An Orc camp in the Mirk-eaves was also modified.
- Waterfall basins in the Dwarf Allegiance Hall should now have water that splashes.
Items & Equipment
- Ash of Enchantment have been renamed to Motes of Enchantment.
- Ash of Gorgoroth have been renamed to Ash of Enchantment.
- Chests in level 106-114 scaling Instances now reward items when opened.
- Featured Instance boxes will now drop tier 11 crafting materials instead of Long-lost Coins.
- Númenóreans, Uruks, and Spiders in the Gorgoroth resource instances now have a chance to drop coin. This is in addition to their chance to drop equipment.
- Various housing decorations will now respect house owner decoration usage permissions: The various Bingo housing guards, the treacherous hole, the snowball field, the fell goat housing guard, and the High Elf visitor.
- The item level 326 rings originally acquired from the High-enchanter have been renamed to "Enchanter's Turca", "Enchanter's Linta", and "Enchanter's Iswa" to differentiate them from the rings of the same name acquired from a Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox.
- If you take some time in the Strongholds of the North to enjoy fishing, you will find that there are new species of fish in this land.
- The Helmet of the Armoury should once again display on your character's head instead of above your shoulder.
- Drop rates for Fragments of the Abyss in T2 have increased, and no longer compete with other gear drops.
- Abyss of Mordath: Fragment of the Abyss crafting components now have a small chance to drop off of the first and third bosses in T1.
Skills & Traits
- All races now have a passive skill Fiddle Use Instrument Proficiency at level 5.
- There is now a 1 minute cooldown after switching to saved class trait configuration before you can swap again.
- The "Smell the Roses" effect cannot be applied whilst mounted. You must dismount, apply the effect, then re-mount for it to work.
- Fixed an issue that required relogging to see Passive Traits properly applied
Legendary Items
- You can now deconstruct all unlocked Legendary Items at a Relic-master by pressing the Deconstruct All button.
- When applying XP Runes that are part of a stack to a Legendary Item, you can now designate how much of the stack to apply to the LI. The system will not consume more than is needed to reach cap.
- Relic-masters will now refine a complete stack of relics if you click the Refine Stack button.
- To destroy an imbued legendary item, you must now confirm by entering the name of your item.
- You can no longer imbue Legendary Items while mounted.
- You can now unlock multiple imbued legacy tiers at once using Mithril.
- Forge-masters can now identify all unidentified Legendary Items in your inventory at once.
- Relic-masters can now now auto combine relics in groups of 10 or 50.
- The Minstrel Call to Ioreth animation has been adjusted and polished. The Minstrel skill "Call to Ioreth" should no longer significantly delay the next queued skill. The Minstrel Skill "Call to Ioreth" animation now blends while moving.
- Minstrel - The Coda of Melody animation was adjusted to smooth it out.
- Captain - You can now purchase a Receipts for Armament Exchange for silver from any captain trainer. You no longer need to trade in a crafted armament. This receipt can be used to barter for the Herald skill appearance of your choice from the captain trainer.
- Crafting - New crafting resources are available throughout Lasgalen, Dale, and Erebor. They all provide tier 11 (Doomfold) materials. The new region ore and scholar nodes will drop the same Doomfold materials as were found in Mordor. The new region lumber nodes will drop new Lasgalen logs that can be processed into Doomfold boards.
- The crafting Quartermaster in the Strongholds of the North has new Helm, Necklace, Pocket, and Essence recipes available.
- Doomfold Fiddle woodworker recipes are now available from the Conquest of Gorgoroth Crafting Quartermaster.
- PREVIEW ONLY: Dwarves have new head shapes and face details available for preview. Updated hairstyles are not yet ready.
Client & UI
- The Character selection and Character generation screens have received a UI update.
- The Character select backgrounds for Men, Elves, and Dwarves have been updated.
- PREVIEW ONLY: Playable Fiddle instruments have been added to the game and are available from Composer in the Eyes & Guard tavern. Please note that the sounds are still being adjusted and polished and animations are only available for a few race/genders.
- Tasks from Rohan through cap content now require turn-in at a "65-cap" Collection Box. These collection boxes can be found in housing areas and at all tasks boards from Rohan through current cap content.
- Ettenmoors: The player character exit from the Delving of Fror can now be used by High Elf characters.
- The LOTRO Store now allows up to 100 Epic Battles Promotion Points to be obtained via Promotion Points +10.
Update 22 Build 2
- Bullroarer has been updated to build 2202.0059.6115.1595
- We continue to welcome your feedback on Eryn Lasgalen, the Dale-lands, and Erebor.
Known Issues:
- New music in Northern Mirkwood/Daleland may be too loud in this build
New this build:
- PREVIEW ONLY: Full-size maps have been added for Eryn Lasgalen, the Dale-lands, and Felegoth
- PREVIEW ONLY: Interior maps have been added to Lake-town and Dale
- PREVIEW ONLY: More interior spaces have been added to Dale
- PREVIEW ONLY: Town services added to Eryn Lasgalen plus further polish work
- PREVIEW ONLY: Players can now experience the quests of Erebor, however, the final instance for this area is still unavailable
- PREVIEW ONLY: Malledhrim Bronze Feathers have now been replaced with Token of the Lake and Rivers on quest rewards and barter vendors in the new regions
- PREVIEW ONLY: We fixed an issue where Mac clients were filtering much more text in chat and names than it should, we updated various filtering rules, and we have adjusted over-aggressive filtering of legendary item names.
- Virtue Tomes will no longer auto-consume if the result would push you over the current virtue cap of 20.
- In the quest 'Patron of Commerce' in Dale, altered counts of types you have to interact with in the marketplaces. Unblocked objectives to visit different marketplaces.
- Many typos throughout the game have been corrected
- A Reflecting Pool can now be found in Felegoth, and it contains many of the instances from 'Strongholds of the North' for you to replay.
- Further tweaks have been made to the various fiddles.
- The minimum required level for several musical instruments has been reduced to increase access to the /music system:
- Manuals of the clarinet, drums, flute, harp, and horn can now be used at level 10 (reduced from level 30)
- Basic Bagpipe now has a minimum level of 15 (reduced from level 25)
- Manual of the Theorbo can now be used at level 15 (reduced from level 30)
- Moor Cowbell now has a minimum level of 20 (reduced from level 40)
- Basic Pibgorn now has a minimum level of 25 (reduced from level 65)
Update 22 Build 3
- QUOTE=Drachyn: Bullroarer has been updated to build 2202.0059.6446.1600
Many areas have been further polished and quite a few bugs have been addressed. As such, the patch note list is quite short this round, despite numerous improvements since the last build.
Updated this build:
- The Relic-Master "Deconstruct All" button has been replaced with a drop-down menu for selecting the deconstruction type. When Selected is active, the cost field reflects the currently selected item and pressing Deconstruct will destroy only that item. When All is active, the cost field reflects all eligible items and pressed Deconstruct will destroy all of them.
- PREVIEW ONLY: Trait configuration swap cooldown changed to 30 seconds (down from 1 minute)
- PREVIEW ONLY: Many platforms and stairways throughout Eryn Lasgalen have been solidified
- PREVIEW ONLY: Concerning Spiders can now be properly completed
- PREVIEW ONLY: Various NPCs now have the appropriate appearances
U22 Daily Repeatable Quests
- Posted by Cordovan 9 March:
- We have reviewed the 25 endgame daily quests, and have now reopened many of the quests. The following quests remain locked pending a game update next week:
Repeatable quests
- It's easy to spot the quests that don't count as they will be the ones without the red text warning that they will be canceled once the Questrs to Restore the Three Kingdoms deed is done.
Complete list of daily repeatable quests
- Upon completing quests in all regions, you get a mail to go visit Queen Regent Erna in Dale and dailies open.
- Note: the wrapper quest: Restoring the Three Kingdoms is currently disabled 3/10)
- Wrapper quest: Restoring the Three Kingdoms
Day One:
- [Elves] Curing the Ills of the Taurogrim
- [Elves] Life in Eryn Lasgalen
- [Elves] Cleansing the Mirkwood
- [Men] Discontented Dale-Folk
- [Men] Unwelcome Scrawls
- [Men] Renewed Patronage
- [Dwarves] The Stones of Erebor
- [Dwarves] Draughts for the Dwarves
Day Two:
- [Men] Aiding the Dispossessed:Feeding the Cold - Queen Regent Erna in Dale
- [Men] Aiding the Dispossessed:Wolves in Waiting - Queen Regent Erna in Dale
- [Men] Marauders in the Dale-Lands - Queen Regent Erna in Dale
- [Men] The Remnants of Urushoba - Queen Regent Erna in Dale
- [Men] The Guards' Mess - Álarr in Lake-town
- [Men] Raised Notices
- [Elves] In the Shadow of Emyn-nu-Fuin - Thranduil in Felegoth
- [Dwarves] Burrowers in the Barrels - Snállar in Erebor (does not count in the deed "Restoring the Three Kingdoms")
Day Three:
- [Elves] Dens of the Taurogrim - Thranduil in Felegoth
- [Elves] The Plight of the Innocent - Thranduil in Felegoth
- [Elves] The Taurogrim Return - Thranduil in Felegoth
- [Elves] The Wrath of the Taurogrim - Thranduil in Felegoth
- [Elves] Ambushed on the River - Lorndúr in Loeglond
- [Elves] Coming Down from the Mountain - Lorndúr in Loeglond
- [Elves] New Thievery - Lorndúr in Loeglond
- [Dwarves] Trinkets for Raven Hill - Dis in Ravenhill (does not count in the deed "Restoring the Three Kingdoms")
Region: Strongholds of the North
- Region: Strongholds of the North
- Area: Eryn Lasgalen - Felegoth
- Area: the Dale-lands
To do:
- Non-obvoius things to do
- Determine linkages (if any) to Category: The Road to Erebor Instances (AKA Instance Cluster: Rohan)
- Determine linkages (if any) to Meadhollow and the Vales of Anduin
- Determine linkages (if any) to Southern Mirkwood
- Fix the Deed: The Road to Erebor - aka Riders of Rohan instance cluster (different names between game and store)
- Rework the various instance pages:
- Determine how to organize King Thranduil and (Thranduil) -- Done
- I presume it is time dependent. He became King when his father, Oropher, was killed during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men at the end of the Second Age.
- Change Thranduil's Hall references to Felegoth - Done
- I presume it is time dependent. He became King when his father, Oropher, was killed during the Last Alliance of Elves and Men at the end of the Second Age.
Category overview
Strongholds of the North
Quest Chains
Category: Strongholds of the North Quests
Quest chains V2 test
User:magill/Sandbox/U22-Quest chains - headertabs test
- Mirkwood Boar - beast 115
- Mirkwood Wolf - beast 115 - quest starter - [115] Quest: Howling Wolves
- Forrest Buck - beast 115
Misc crafting
Crafted Jewellery
- NOTE: All Items need to have crafting information filled in
Comparison of Jewellery
This page presents a comparison of various Update 22 Crafted Jewellery sets.
- Refer to the individual "item pages" for details on the individual Recipe and Profession involved.
- Values need to be verified at release. . . some make no sense.
(Pocket) Type Item Level Armour Might Agility Vitality Will Fate Finesse Light of Eärendil Physical Mastery Rating Parry Rating Evade Rating Resistance Rating Critical Defence Critical Rating Essence Slots Ash Required Noble Emblem of Thorin's Strength 347 +759 +886 +30 +3282 2 Memory 347 +607 +1,139 +30 +7386 2 Momentous Locket of Thranduil's Power 347 +759 +886 +30 +3282 2 Cunning 347 +683 +1.012 +30 +7386 2 Glowing Phial of Bard's Will 347 +886 +759 +30 +3939 2 Honour 347 +886 +759 +30 +3282 2
(Neck) Type Item Level Armour Might Agility Vitality Will Fate Finesse Light of Eärendil Physical Mastery Rating Parry Rating Evade Rating Resistance Rating Critical Defence Critical Rating Outgoing Healing Rating Essence Slots Ash Required Polished Torc of Thorin's Strength 347 +759 +886 +20 +3282 2 Memory 347 +607 +1,139 +20 +8235 2 Graceful Pendant of Thranduil's Power 347 +759 +886 +20 +3282 2 Cunning 347 +683 +1.012 +20 +8235 2 Filigree Necklace of Bard's Will 347 +886 +759 +20 2 Honour 347 +886 +759 +379 +20 +9379 2
- Rhovanion -> Northern Mirkwood - Map legand Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale Lands --
- appears to link to Beorning Lands
- appears to link to Fields of Celduin
- appears to link to the Iron Hills
- Rhovanion -> Felegoth - Halls of the Elven King
- See: User:Magill/Sandbox-U22 - Maps for maps and details on map issues
Misc Travel
- Verify that all 3 Quatermastes
- trade these 3 items
Area: Eryn Lasgalen
- King Thranduil can be found in Felegoth, in Eryn Lasgalen.
- A swift horse in Southern Mirkwood will bring you to Tham Taerdol in Eryn Lasgalen, not far from the Elvenking's halls.
Stable Add ons
- Stable-master (Ost Galadh): Toriel{{:Toriel}} -- Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 85 40
Min Level: 90
- Stable-master (Thanguhad) Candiel): -- Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Tham Taerdol (Swift) Strongholds of the North 85 40
Min Level: 90
- Stable-master (Galtrev) -- Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 80
Min Level: 90
- Stable-master (Aldburg) -- Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 80
Min Level: 90
- Stable-master (South-Bree) Bert Goldenleaf - Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 80
Min Level: 90 Lake-town (Swift) Strongholds of the North 74 80
Min Level: 90
- Stable-master (Twenty-first Hall)]] - Done
Destination Region Cost Prerequisites Strongholds of the North Dale (Swift) Strongholds of the North 73 20
Min Level: 90
Settlement: Tham Taerdol
- Milestone - [12.1N, 46.1W] -- Done
- Stable Master (Tham Taerdol) [12.1N, 46.1W]: -- Done
Destination | Region | Cost | Prerequisites | |
Mirkwood | ||||
Ost Galadh | (Swift) | Mirkwood | 97 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Thangúlhad | (Swift) | Mirkwood | 97 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | ||||
Dale | (Swift) | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Dale | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Erebor | (Swift) | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Erebor | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Felegoth | (Swift) | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Felegoth | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Lake-town | (Swift) | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Lake-town | Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Settlement: Felegoth
Felegoth NPCs
Area: the Dale-lands
Settlement: Dale
Settlement: Erebor
Settlement: Lake-town
Destination | Region | Cost | Prerequisites | |
Bree-land | ||||
South Bree | (Swift) | Bree-land | 97 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Strongholds of the North | ||||
Dale | (Swift) | Strongholds of the North | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Dale | Strongholds of the North | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Erebor | (Swift) | Strongholds of the North | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Erebor | Strongholds of the North | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Felegoth | (Swift) | Strongholds of the North | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Felegoth | Strongholds of the North | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 | |
Tham Taerdol | (Swift) | Strongholds of the North | 74 ![]() ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Tham Taerdol | Strongholds of the North | 68 ![]() |
Min. Level: 90 |
Reputation Factions
- Note that all Factions are still only in boilerplate form as of Build 3.