Category:Monster Play
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This category contains all the information on Monster Play within the game Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO).
The colour scheme you see here will be used throughout Monster Play information areas to help show that the information provided is NOT part of normal player versus environment game play.
Area of Interest | Description |
Monster Play | A general overview of Monster Play -- The Player-versus-Player combat implementation within LOTRO. Sometimes referred to as freeps versus creeps (or vice-versa). |
The Ettenmoors | Information about the Monster play Zone -- the Ettenmoors. It holds links to the regions and what information you may. |
Free Peoples (freeps) | A category that holds information pertinent to The Free Peoples (Players over level 20) that wish to participate in Player vs Monster Player (PvMP) combat. |
Army of Angmar (creeps) | A category containing the information on the Monster Player side of play. |
This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.
Pages in category "Monster Play"
The following 188 pages are in this category, out of 188 total.
- Item:Against the Enemy
- Item:Aged Blood of Man
- Item:Aged Blood of the Fair Folk
- Item:Aged Blood of the Little Folk
- Item:Aged Blood of the Stone Folk
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Chief Warrior
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Chieftain
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Commander
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Fighter
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the High Chieftain
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Lieutenant
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Overlord
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Scout
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Sentry
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Skirmisher
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Soldier
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Taskmaster
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Tracker
- Item:Akúlhun's Brand of the Tyrant
- Arador's End
- Armour of the Armoury Sentinel
- Armour of the Causeway Keeper
- Armour of the Eldacar Watch
- Army of Angmar
- Item:Aromatic Blood of Man
- Item:Aromatic Blood of the Fair Folk
- Battlefield Promotion
- Blessings
- Item:Blood of Man
- Item:Blood of the Fair Folk
- Item:Blood of the Little Folk
- Item:Blood of the Stone Folk
- Item:Bottled Orc Scream
- Item:Bottled Spider Chitter
- Item:Bottled Uruk Effluvium
- Item:Bottled Warg Breath
- Item:Bowl of Gukthor's Gruel Surprise
- Item:Bowl of Gukthor's Seasoned Gruel
- Item:Bowl of Gukthor's Stew
- Item:Brittleleaf Encrusted Little Folk Shank
- Item:Bubbling Potion
- Item:Maggoty Meat
- Item:Man Seeking Charm
- Item:Man Tracking Talisman
- March! Appearances
- Play
- Creep
- Monster Play Appearances
- Monster Play Character
- Monster Play Classes
- Monster Play Races
- Monster Play Raid Leader (Creep)
- Monster Play Raiding
- Monster Play Stats
- Monster Player Trainer
- Item:Mordirith's Brand
- Item:Muster to Tírith Rhaw
- Item:Phial of Akúlhun's Fury
- Item:Phial of Bûrzgoth's Strength
- Item:Phial of Gorgoris' Bile
- Item:Phial of Gorgoris' Blood
- Item:Phial of Gorgoris' Kiss
- Item:Phial of Gundzor's Breath
- Item:Phial of Mazauk's Resolve
- Item:Phial of Unbinding
- Plains of Gramsfoot Outpost
- Item:Pure Bubbling Potion
- Item:Pure Stinking Poultice
- PvMP Armour
- Item:Racial Skill: Born of Shadow
- Item:Racial Skill: Howl of Unnerving
- Item:Racial Skill: Pack Hunters
- Item:Racial Skill: Shelob's Gift
- Item:Racial Trait: Ancient as the Stars
- Item:Racial Trait: Drinker of Blood
- Item:Racial Trait: Eight-legged Foe
- Item:Racial Trait: Eight-legged Menace
- Item:Racial Trait: Enemy of the First Children
- Item:Racial Trait: Four-Legged Foe
- Item:Racial Trait: Pack Alpha
- Item:Racial Trait: Pack Elder
- Item:Racial Trait: Pack Mentality
- Item:Racial Trait: Swallower of Light
- Ranger Skills
- Item:Rat-folk Stew
- Rating
- Item:Refined Bubbling Potion
- Item:Refined Stinking Poultice
- Renown
- River Outpost
- Item:Seared Beorning Heart
- Item:Serving of Dried Elf Ear Jerky
- Item:Serving of Elf Ear Chew
- Item:Serving of Little Folk Leg on a Stick
- Item:Shank of Charred and Crusted Leg of Man
- Item:Shank of Marinated Leg of Man
- Item:Shank of Steamed Leg of Man
- Monster Play Skills
- Item:Slaughter the Free-folk
- Item:Slug Mash
- Item:Solvent of Painful Freedom
- South Tol Ascarnen Bridge
- Spider Weaver
- Spider Weaver Appearances
- Steps of Gram
- Item:Stinking Poultice