Item:Greater Stinking Poultice

- Item Level: 115
- Consumed On Use
- On Use:
- Restores 9% of maximum Morale
- Cooldown: 2m
- "Stinking Poultice recovers your health when used."
- Vendor's Price: 18
- Worth: 4
- Stacks to 50
Item Information
Sold By: Tarkripper Quartermaster -- the Quartermaster in Gramsfoot, Ettenmoors.
These are the strongest of the morale potions available from the Tarkripper Quartermaster. There are more powerful potions available from Nâdar, the Potions Trader in Gramsfoot but they are more difficult to obtain and require higher ranks than this potion.
Whereas these seem quite powerful, it must be understood that low ranked creeps have no in-combat morale regeneration capabilities thus, they never gain any morale in combat except via potions and the 30 second pulses of foods. Free People, on the other hand, generally regenerate hundreds of morale per pulse in-combat so even a 15 second fight adds many hundreds of morale to a freep versus that creep never gaining any health without consumables.