Category talk:Monster Play
Ok, so I have a lot of things I'm doing but I started collecting some of the Monster Player information for the Titles area that I've been fleshing out and hit some issues with it's layout.
It's a mess! navigation is very nasty to deal with and the info is both clustered and spread out in such a fashion that it gets more and more difficult to figure out where to go to find what as you hunt & peck your way through the area.
There is a lot of information in this area but honestly, it really needs a revamp on it's structure and ability to navigate. As such, I've decided to take on this sub-project and spend a couple days "repairing" and revamping the entire categorization structure plus implementing a few styles and formats for use in this area.
Some may notice that I've added a new "table" style for Monster Play -- "mptable". This will be a stock table style that I'll use for laying out the tabular information. Here is an example:
Column Header | Second Column Header |
Detail row information with Monster Play link. | Detail row, second column. |
Another detail row with another a link to THIS page | The last demo information portion here with a pull of a new page on Blackarrows |
It looks OK and it works well with inserting and the like...
Sorry if anyone takes offense at my "yuck! what a mess!" reaction but I think it's accurate and I'll fix it up pretty fast and I'll also put together a few other "templates" that may see some use (MP Char and Tribe formats like the PC and Kinship templates).
--Eleazaros 22:55, 26 January 2008 (PST)