Battlefield Promotion

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Battlefield Promotions is a buff that applies to your character as either a free or monster in PvMP. It is based on your rank.

Battlefield Promotion (creep)
  • Characteristic
  • You grow stronger with rank. Increasing your Health, Power, Damage, and Finesse.
  • +0.5-7.5% Damage
    Increases your total health by 2-20%.
    Increases your total power by 2-20%.
    +2-20% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Battlefield Promotion (freep)
  • +2-20% Max Morale
    +2-20% Max Power
    +0.5-7.5% Melee Damage
    +0.5-7.5% Ranged Damage
    +0.5-7.5% Tactical Damage

General Information

Class: All Monster or Freep Classes

Rank: 1 - ∞

Training Price: n/a

Tactical Information

Players can increase their damage, total health, total power, finesse and incoming healing per rank. Visit the Monster Player Trainer to train this passive skill each time you achieve a new rank. Below a list of what each rank gives. Fighters for the Free Peoples get these same amounts as well (damage, total health and total power only), though it is trained automatically upon gaining a new rank.

Battlefield Promotion Per Rank

Monster Rank Monster Description Free Peoples Rank Free Peoples Description
Rank: 1 +0.5% Damage
Increases your total health by 2%.
Increases your total power by 2%.
+2% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 1 +2% Max Morale
+2% Max Power
+0.5% Melee Damage
+0.5% Ranged Damage
+0.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 2 +0.875% Damage
Increases your total health by 4%.
Increases your total power by 4%.
+4% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 2 +4% Max Morale
+4% Max Power
+0.5% Melee Damage
+0.5% Ranged Damage
+0.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 3 +1.25% Damage
Increases your total health by 6%.
Increases your total power by 6%.
+6% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 3 +6% Max Morale
+6% Max Power
+1% Melee Damage
+1% Ranged Damage
+1% Tactical Damage
Rank: 4 +1.625% Damage
Increases your total health by 8%.
Increases your total power by 8%.
+8% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 4 +8% Max Morale
+8% Max Power
+1.5% Melee Damage
+1.5% Ranged Damage
+1.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 5 +2% Damage
Increases your total health by 10%.
Increases your total power by 10%.
+10% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 5 +10% Max Morale
+10% Max Power
+2% Melee Damage
+2% Ranged Damage
+2% Tactical Damage
Rank: 6 +2.5% Damage
Increases your total health by 11%.
Increases your total power by 11%.
+11% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 6 +11% Max Morale
+11% Max Power
+2.5% Melee Damage
+2.5% Ranged Damage
+2.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 7 +3% Damage
Increases your total health by 12%.
Increases your total power by 12%.
+12% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 7 +12% Max Morale
+12% Max Power
+3% Melee Damage
+3% Ranged Damage
+3% Tactical Damage
Rank: 8 +3.5% Damage
Increases your total health by 13%.
Increases your total power by 13%.
+13% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 8 +13% Max Morale
+13% Max Power
+3.5% Melee Damage
+3.5% Ranged Damage
+3.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 9 +4% Damage
Increases your total health by 14%.
Increases your total power by 14%.
+14% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 9 +14% Max Morale
+14% Max Power
+4% Melee Damage
+4% Ranged Damage
+4% Tactical Damage
Rank: 10 +4.5% Damage
Increases your total health by 15%.
Increases your total power by 15%.
+15% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 10 +15% Max Morale
+15% Max Power
+4.5% Melee Damage
+4.5% Ranged Damage
+4.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 11 +5.1% Damage
Increases your total health by 16%.
Increases your total power by 16%.
+16% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 11 +16% Max Morale
+16% Max Power
+5% Melee Damage
+5% Ranged Damage
+5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 12 +5.7% Damage
Increases your total health by 17%.
Increases your total power by 17%.
+17% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 12 +17% Max Morale
+17% Max Power
+5.5% Melee Damage
+5.5% Ranged Damage
+5.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 13 +6.3% Damage
Increases your total health by 18%.
Increases your total power by 18%.
+18% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 13 +18% Max Morale
+18% Max Power
+6% Melee Damage
+6% Ranged Damage
+6% Tactical Damage
Rank: 14 +6.9% Damage
Increases your total health by 19%.
Increases your total power by 19%.
+19% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 14 +19% Max Morale
+19% Max Power
+6.5% Melee Damage
+6.5% Ranged Damage
+6.5% Tactical Damage
Rank: 15 +7.5% Damage
Increases your total health by 20%.
Increases your total power by 20%.
+20% Outgoing Healing Effect Modifier
Rank: 15 +20% Max Morale
+20% Max Power
+7.5% Melee Damage
+7.5% Ranged Damage
+7.5% Tactical Damage