Radagast's Cottage
Radagast's Cottage is the house where Radagast the Wizard lives, nestled within the ruins of Rhosgobel in the Vales of Anduin .
Prerequisites: Completed the deed Quests of the Wilderfolk :
Prerequisites: completed A Message from Rhosgobel :
Completing all quests is required for the deed Caretaker of Rhosgobel
[show ] Befriending Critters Run
The Shire
Port to Michel Delving and take stable to Hobbiton
Ride to Green Hill Badger in the Green Hill Country (The Shire ) at [34.4S, 68.0W]
Ride to Stock and take stable to Brockenborings or port back to Michel Delving and take stable from there to Brockenborings
Ride to Bindbole Kid in the Bindbole Wood (The Shire ) [27.8S, 70.9W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Ride back to Brockenborings and take stable to Oatbarton
Ride to Oatbarton Badger in Oatbarton (Evendim ) at [23.9S, 66.1W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Take Oatbarton stable to Buckland
Ride to Brandy Hills Billy in Brandy Hills (Bree-land ) [27.6S, 61.7W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Trollshaws /Eregion
Port to Rivendell
Take Last Homely House stable to Tham Lumren (or Echad Candelleth if you don't have the Tham Lumren stable)
Ride to Bruinen Thrush in the southern Trollshaws [39.5S, 15.4W]
Take stable horse from Echad Candelleth to Scout's Camp (High Moor)
Ride up the mountain to High Moor Goat in the High Moor (Trollshaws ) [33.4S, 8.3W]
Return to Scout's Camp (High Moor) and take stable to Rivendell , then take Rivendell stable horse to Gwingris
Ride to Hollin Ridge Goat at eastern Hollin Ridge in Pend Eregion (Eregion ) [42.3S, 8.4W]
Ride to Redhorn Rabbit in the valley leading to the Redhorn Pass (Eregion ) [47.1S, 5.8W]
Port to Lhanuch (Enedwaith )
Take Lhanuch stable to Maur Tulhau
Ride to Gloomglens Pullet in Maur Tulhau (Enedwaith ) [62.2S, 23.1W]
Ride to Gloomglens Badger in the Gloomglens (Enedwaith ) [64.3S, 21.7W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Ride to Mournshaws Raven in Mournshaws (Enedwaith ) [69.8S, 21.9W]
Port back to Lhanuch (Enedwaith ) or ride back to Echad Daervunn and take stable to Lhanuch
Ride to Coomb Coney in Thror's Coomb (Enedwaith ) [67.9S, 10.2W]
Dunland /Gap of Rohan
Port to Galtrev
Take Galtrev stable to Rohirrim Scout-camp
Ride to Gravenwood Warbler in Gravenwood (Dunland ) [81.5S, 13.3W]
Return to Rohirrim Scout-camp and take stable to Barnavon
Take Barnavon stable to Lhan Rhos
Ride to Dunbog Cooter in the swamp in Cors Avanc (Dunland ) [88.8S, 22.5W]
Port back to Galtrev and take stable to Forthbrond or take Lhan Rhos stable to Barnavon and Barnavon stable to Forthbrond
Ride to Heathfells Hare on Heathfells (Gap of Rohan ) [88.5S, 7.3W]
The Great River
Port to Stangard and take stable to Limlight Gorge
Ride to Limlight Dipper in the Limlight Gorge (The Great River ) [26.0S, 67.8W]
Return to Limlight Gorge and take stable to Thinglad
Ride to Thinglad Badger near Thinglad (The Great River ) [20.8S, 63.1W]
Return to Thinglad and take stable to Rushgore
Ride to Rushgore Bantam in The Rushgore (The Great River ) [27.6S, 53.7W]
Dale-lands /Eryn Lasgalen
Port to Dale and take stable to Lake-town
Ride to Long Lake Loggerhead in the The Dale-lands [15.5N, 28.5W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Return to Lake-town and take stable to Tham Taerdol
Ride to Lasgalen Badger in Eryn Lasgalen [15.7N, 43.9W] . This one can be hard to find because it moves around a large area. (LAST BADGER)
The East Wall /Mouths of Entwash
Port to Snowbourn and take stable to Parth Galen
Ride to Rauros Snapper in The East Wall [56.8S, 49.1W] (He's inside a Suspicious Stump)
Ride south to the path toward Amon Hen . Take the first set of stairs at [58.5S, 48.7W]
Follow the path, going up 3 sets of stairs, then turning south to take the 4th set of stairs at [59.4S, 48.1W]
Once you pass the rock, turn off the path and head southeast, making for a path just to the left of the next set of stairs. Path starts at [59.9S, 47.8W] .
Follow this path all the way down until it takes you to Mouths of Entwash , then ride to Entwash Slowpoke in the Mouths of Entwash (Beacon Hills ) [37.0S, 37.0W]
The rest can be done in any order
Port to Michel Delving and take stable to Duillond
Take Duillond stable to Thrasi's Lodge
Ride to Lune River Goat near the river in Ered Luin [18.7S, 89.7W] (LAST GOAT)
Port to Bree and take horse to Bree-land Festival Grounds
Ride to Chetwood Chicken in Far Chetwood (Bree-land ) [23.6S, 44.0W]
Port to Esteldin (if available) or port to Bree and stable to Esteldin
Ride to Kingsfell Hen in Kingsfell (North Downs ) [9.4S, 45.0W] . This one also moves around a large area.
Port to Arnach
Ride to Lossarnach Hen in Imloth Melui (Lossarnach ) [72.3S, 24.9W] (LAST CHICKEN)
Port to Ost Guruth
Ride to Haerloeg Swan in Harloeg (Lone-lands ) [36.7S, 27.9W] (LAST BIRD)
Port to Minas Tirith
Take Minas Tirith stable to Calembel
Ride to Calembel Cottontail in the south eastern corner of Calembel (Western Gondor ) [67.3S, 54.6W]
Port to Aldburg and take stable to Stoke
Ride to Broadacres Bunny in Broadacres [46.5S, 72.7W] (LAST BUNNY)
Port to Camp of the Host
Ride to Noman Tortoise in The Wastes [35.8S, 14.7W] (LAST TURTLE)