
Gondor (Sindarin for Stone-land) is a land in the south of Middle-Earth. This land is comprised of many regions from Western Gondor in the west to Eastern Gondor in the east, and from the Wastes in the north to Central Gondor in the south.
Players must pass through the Paths of the Dead to access Gondor.
For a summary of levels, see Regional Quests, a page which also indicates the main level of creatures and mobs.
Prior to the Battle of Pelennor Fields
As forces assemble for the final battles, the character passes through the more distant parts of Gondor and experiences their conflicts, diversions and threats, as they move toward Minas Tirith, the capital and target for the massed armies of Mordor.
Central Gondor

- See Central Gondor for more details
Central Gondor is a region in Gondor. It is adjacent to Western Gondor and Eastern Gondor.
- Level: 100
- Factions: Men of Ringló Vale • Men of Dor-en-Ernil • Men of Lebennin • Pelargir
- Crafting: Westemnet (T9)
- Introduced: Update 15 - Gondor Aflame - November 5, 2014
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: Central Gondor
Eastern Gondor

Eastern Gondor is a region in the east of Gondor. It is adjacent to Central Gondor and Old Anórien.
- Level: 100
- Factions: Rangers of Ithilien and Pelargir (in Lossarnach and Upper Lebennin)
- Crafting: Anórien (T10)
- Introduced: Update 16 - Ashes of Osgiliath - May 4, 2015
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: East Gondor
- See Eastern Gondor for more details
Far Anórien

- See Far Anórien for more details
Far Anórien is a region in the east of Middle-earth. It is adjacent to Old Anórien, as well as East and West Rohan.
It contains the areas of the Beacon Hills and Taur Drúadan.
- Level: 100-105
- Factions: Riders of Rohan
- Introduced: Update 18 - The Battle of Pelennor Fields - April 12, 2016
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: Far Anórien or Region Pack: Far Anórien
Old Anórien

- See Old Anórien for more details
Old Anórien is a region within the land of Gondor. It is connected to Eastern Gondor, Anórien (After Battle), North Ithilien and Far Anórien.
- Level: 100
- Factions: Defenders of Minas Tirith
- Introduced: Update 17 - The Siege of Minas Tirith - October 27, 2015
- Crafting: Anórien (T10)
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: Old Anórien
Western Gondor

- See Western Gondor for more details
Western Gondor is a region within the land of Gondor. It lies along the coasts of the the Bay of Belfalas.
- Level: 95-100
- Factions:
- Dol Amroth (Faction) Regional
- Dol Amroth City Watch Reputation (City Watch, Armoury, Bank, Docks, Hall, Library, Mason, Swan-knights, Warehouse)
- Crafting: Westemnet (T9)
- Introduced: Update 14 - 14 July, 2014
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: West Gondor
After the Battle of Pelennor Fields
After the battle new areas are available. These are split in time from the areas above, and some overlap with the original areas. Anórien (After Battle) and Ithilien were in the March of the King release, and overlap the areas of Old Anórien and Eastern Gondor.
Anórien (After Battle)

- See Anórien (After Battle) for more details
Anórien (After Battle) is a region in Gondor. This region overlaps Minas Tirith and the Pelennor in Old Anórien and Osgiliath in Eastern Gondor, but is separated from them in time, occurring after the Battle of Pelennor Fields. The post-battle versions of each area are thus Minas Tirith (After-battle), The Pelennor Fields (After-battle), and Osgiliath (After Battle).
- Level: 105
- Factions: Host of the West
- Introduced: Update 19: March of the King - October 18, 2016
- Crafting: Anórien (T10)
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
March of the King
King's Gondor

King's Gondor is a region found within the land of Gondor.
These lands are a later version of the lands of Gondor after Aragorn's coronation in May of 3019 T.A. and the Great Wedding at the end of June.
- Level: 140 (Eastern half) / 141-143 (Western half)
- Factions: The Renewal of Gondor
- Crafting: Gundabad (T14)
- Neighbouring: Anórien (After Battle), Anfalas
- Introduced: (Eastern half) Update 36
(Western half) Update 38 - Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: Gondor Renewed
- See King's Gondor for more details

- See Ithilien for more details
Ithilien is a region on the borders of Gondor and Mordor. This region covers North Ithilien and the northern part of South Ithilien just south of the Cross-roads but is separated from it in time, occurring after the Battle of Pelennor Fields.
- Level: 105
- Factions: Host of the West
- Introduced: Update 19: March of the King - October 18, 2016
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
March of the King
The Wastes

- See The Wastes for more details
The Wastes is a region that is situated immediately outside of Morannon, the Black Gate of Mordor. It lies above North Ithilien and north-west of Mordor. The is the site of a major battle at the end of the Second Age, when Mordor was first defeated, but the area was lost as Mordor regained strength. It has been long contested and is still occupied by Orcs and others ready to resist the march of the King.
- Level: 105
- Factions: Host of the West
- Crafting: Anórien (T10)
- Introduced: Update 20 - Battle of the Black Gate - March 21, 2017
- Free to VIP
- Quest Pack:
Quest Pack: Battle of the Black Gate
Regions within the Land of Gondor
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Before Battle: Central Gondor • Eastern Gondor • Far Anórien • Old Anórien • Western Gondor After Battle: Anfalas • Anórien • North Ithilien • King's Gondor • Pinnath Gelin • The Wastes |
Lands of Middle-earth
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Eriador • Gondor • Haradwaith • Mordor • Rhovanion • Rohan |