Camp of the Host

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Camp of the Host
Region: The Wastes
Area: The Noman-lands
Location: [40.9S, 10.4W]


The Camp of the Host is a settlement located at the southern border of the Noman-lands in the Wastes. [40.9S, 10.4W]

Here, Aragorn's army has set up camp at the border of Dagorlad before marching to the Black Gate.


The following services can be found within the settlement of the Camp of the Host


Tasks Bulletin Board


Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Aragorn's Pavilion Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Aragorn's Pavilion (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Minas Tirith (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath Anórien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Osgiliath (Swift) Anórien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn Ithilien 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
Henneth Annûn (Swift) Ithilien 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Wastes
The Slag-hills The Wastes 85 Silver  Min. Level: 90
The Slag-hills (Swift) The Wastes 122 Silver  Min. Level: 90


  1. [105] The Faint-hearted - Vector to Cair Andros

Mílgamel Quests

  1. [105] Land of Strife - Camp of the Host - ends at Haerondir

Herbalism Quests

[105] Wrapper Assisting the Herbalists: North Ithilien - Repeatable - daily
  1. [105] Noisome and Unrelenting - Mithrandir (Repeatable)
  2. [105] Moving Moss - Arodor (Repeatable)
  3. [105] An Eerie Gathering - Arodor (Repeatable)



NOTE: The descriptions of these NPCs all need to be verified and updated to include reference to this location.
