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Culang (Sindarin for Bow-sword) is a Ranger who has long served at Tinnudir, in Evendim, in the defence against enemies from Angmar.

As the Epic tale moves on Culang will travel south-east and appear at yet other locations.

Culang (Evendim)

Image of Culang
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Evendim
Area Parth Aduial
Settlement Tinnudir (Keep)
Map Ref [12.2S, 68.0W]

Culang is first met patrolling around Tinnudir, in Evendim. He also appears at Barad Rath during a memorial for fallen Rangers.

Quest Involvement

Culang (Enedwaith)

Image of Culang
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Thrór's Coomb
Settlement Harndirion
Map Ref [69.4S, 13.7W]

Further on Culang has travelled south-east with the Grey Company and is found at Thrór's Coomb in Enedwaith. There, he is Quatermaster for the Grey Company and concerned about their stock. He is also a healer and provisioner vendor.

Quest Involvement

See Healer and Provisioner for goods sold.

Culang (March of the King)

Culang survives the Battle of Pelennor Fields with the Grey Company and is found at Aragorn's Pavilion on the Pelennor Fields (After-battle). He carries the trumpet of his fallen friend Areneth, and uses it when he is one of the four heralds chosen to announce the coming of King Elessar at the Crossroads.

Quest Involvement


"Behold! The King Elessar exerts his command upon these lands of Gondor!"

Culang (The Wastes)

Image of Culang
Gender Male
Race Man
Region The Wastes
Area The Noman-lands
Settlement Camp of the Host
Map Ref [41.1S, 10.2W]

Culang accompanies the Host of the West on the march to the Black Gate. He can be found by a campfire in the Camp of the Host, along with Dagoras, Mithrendan, and Peregrin Took.

Culang (Midsummer)

Image of Culang
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Anórien (After Battle)
Settlement Minas Tirith (Midsummer)
Interior Merethrond - Banquet Hall
Map Ref [22.7N, 55.9W]

Culang attends the wedding of Aragorn and Arwen at Midsummer, and can be found in the feast-hall of Merethrond after the wedding ceremony with the rest of the Grey Company- save for a minor interlude courtesy of Radanir.

Quest Involvement

Culang (Morgul Vale)

Image of Culang
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Morgul Vale
Area Minas Morgul
Map Ref [67.5S, 1.7E]

Culang did not return to the north after the Battle of the Black Gate, instead joining Faramir in the cleansing of the Morgul Vale. He can be found scouting on the uppermost level in Minas Morgul.

Quest Involvement