Bestowal dialogue
Troubled Dreams
"You should get what rest you can, my friend, and try not to dwell upon the horrors of the battle. Perhaps things will seem less grim by the light of day..."
Your sleep is troubled by dreams of ill omen. Do they hold any significance, or are they just dreams?
Objective 1
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Search the camp for survivors
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
No living person seems to be left in Grimbold's camp.
- Nothing moves within Grimbold's camp
- Théodred: You know Théodred did not die at this place, but the sight of the fallen Prince still fills you with regret and with worry for the future of his kingdom.
- The dream holds you in its grip, and refuses to let you go.
Objective 2
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Stay on your guard!
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
No living person seems to be left in Grimbold's camp.
- Candaith says, "I think you might be asleep, <name>."
- Candaith the Ranger stands before you, an eyebrow raised in amusement
Objective 3
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Candaith before he goes
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
You have encountered Candaith, and even though you know you are asleep, it is still painful to see him.
- Candaith: Candaith looks around at the corpse-strewn camp.
- 'Your journey must have been an arduous one, <name>, if this is the tapestry of your dreaming! May you find restful sleep at the end of your road, my friend, for I fear you will have little of that for a while.
- 'Walk with me a ways, <name>. There are some things we need to discuss.'
- Candaith says, "Death is all around you."
- Candaith says, "I felt it on the Forsaken Road, and I feel it here."
- Candaith says, "But you must not abandon hope, <name>!"
- Candaith says, "Even the darkest night is followed by the dawn."
- Candaith says, "All of us have left someone behind."
- Candaith says, "That is why we brave the darkness. We fight so they may see the dawn."
Objective 4
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Walk with Candaith for as long as he remains
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Candaith before he goes
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
You have encountered Candaith, and even though you know you are asleep, it is still painful to see him.
- Candaith: 'Do not lose sight of who you are, my friend, and do not despair. I would give my life a thousand times to be even the smallest help to Aragorn, my chieftain. That is what it means to be one of the Dúnedain.
- 'It was no different for these men of Rohan, or for their Prince. They strove to protect their people, and would do so again if given the opportunity. Weep for the need of it, but do not mourn their choice. I know they must be content.
- 'Someone comes. Let us meet him at the gate, and keep him from further disturbing your rest!'
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Follow Candaith to the gate before he leaves you
- Candaith says, "Hurry! This way!"
- Candaith says, "He is close."
Objective 5
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Candaith at the gate before he goes
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Candaith is waiting for you by the entrance to Grimbold's camp.
- Candaith: 'He is your own foe to face, <name>. I will not be able to help you stand against him, and you will be on your own. Let the knowledge that you have already proven the stronger lighten you heart and bring you courage!'
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Confront your foe
Objective 6
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Morflak and resist your fear
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Morflak looms large in your memory, casting his shadow over all things.
- Morflak says, "<name>!"
- Morflak says, "You will never escape me!"
- Morflak says, "My hatred lives on!"
- Candaith says, "Steady, <name>. His weapon is fear! Do not be afraid!"
- Morflak: 'You cannot hope to defeat me!'
- Morflak says, "Death!"
Objective 7
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Defeat Morflak and conquer your fear
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
- Morflak says, "You will never escape!"
Objective 8
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Candaith on the shore of Lake Evendim
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Candaith is waiting for you on the shore of Lake Evendim.
- Candaith: 'Your dreaming mind roams far afield, <name>. Asleep, you are much like a Ranger. I hope you do not mind my saying so.'
- Candaith chuckles, but the pleasant familiarity of the sound rings hollowly in the still air of the dream, and is soon gone.
- 'Our friends have their own road now, <name>. May they reach Aragorn in time to be of use to him! it is my hope the most dangerous leg of their journey is behind them, but I fear it is not so.'
- Candaith says, "How much hardship will our friends face before the end?"
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Walk with Candaith along the shores of Lake Evendim
- Candaith says, "So much has been lost already."
- Candaith says, "He lost a daughter, and he almost lost himself."
Objective 9
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Golodir on the shore of Lake Evendim
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Golodir stands before you on the shore of Lake Evendim.
- Golodir: Golodir stands before you, tall and proud, but his eyes burn with fire and his lip is twisted into a sneer.
- You are held in the grip of a dream
- Golodir says, "I will not rest until he dies."
- Golodir says, "Mordirith!"
- Golodir says, "No, that's not right..."
- Golodir says, "Lheu Brenin!"
- Golodir says, "You..."
- Golodir says, "...must..."
- Lheu Brenin says, "Die."
- Lheu Brenin says, "Die."
Objective 10
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Walk with Candaith and see what he shows you.
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Lothrandir stands before you on the shore of Lake Evendim.
- Candaith says, "This way, <name>. Golodir has passed beyond your help."
- Candaith says, "Other of our friends dwell in your thoughts, <name>."
- Lothrandir: Lothrandir stands before you, struggling against his bonds, but his eyes show no sign of despair. Defiance shines from those wells of blue, and his mouth is a resolute line.
- You are held in the grip of a dream
- Candaith says, "Lothrandir resists. That is all he knows, and he will never submit to his captors."
- Candaith says, "I fear he does not know any better."
- Candaith says, "The only one who can save Lothrandir now... is Lothrandir."
- Candaith says, "Calenglad?"
Objective 11
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Calenglad on the shore of Lake Evendim
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Calenglad stands before you on the shore of Lake Evendim.
- Calenglad: Calenglad stares out at the lake, his eyes glassy. He takes no notice of you.
- Calenglad says, "Gwindeth!"
- Calenglad says, "Gwindeth, are you there?"
- Calenglad says, "I should not have left you, Gwindeth!"
- Gwindeth says, "But your duty..."
- Calenglad says, "It was a mistake! I am not strong enough for this duty!"
- Calenglad says, "Candaith... Braigiar... so many of my friends..."
- Calenglad says, "I failed them. But I will not fail you, my love!"
- Gwindeth says, "No, I forbid it!"
- Gwindeth says, "Stop!"
- Gwindeth says, "Calenglad!"
Objective 12
- You are held in the grip of a dream.
Your mind is disturbed by troubling dreams.
Objective 13
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Talk to Candaith
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Candaith stands before you once more, looking puzzled about something.
- Candaith: 'Your thoughts turn to your friends, but remember you are held in the grip of your dreams. Nothing you have seen here is real, <name>. I am sure our friends will be fine.'
- Candaith does not sound as certain as you might wish, and you cannot help but wonder if that is proof of your own worrying doubt or something more.
- 'What is this place, <name>? That river could be the Anduin, but... have you ever seen this place? I wonder what has called it to your memory?'
- Explore the strange place with Candaith
- Candaith says, "Someone else is here, <name>."
- Candaith says, "The time has come for me to leave you again."
- Candaith says, "Goodnight, my friend."
Objective 14
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Sam: 'What is it, Mister Frodo? You do not look well, and have not since we came back to the shore. That shape won't be coming back, I wager. Legolas saw to that with his arrows, he did, and a good thing it was, too!
- 'You clutched your shoulder when it appeared, and looked to be in a great deal of pain. Are you sure you are feeling all right?'
- Sam says, "I am worried about you, Mister Frodo!"
Objective 15
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Listen to Frodo Baggins on the banks of the Anduin
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Frodo: 'I am fine, Sam. I felt a chill in my heart, and the pain in my shoulder reminded me of... well, it is gone now, nothing more than a passing memory. I think we will be fine for a while. The Orcs that attacked from the other shore were dismayed by the fall of... whatever that shadow may have been.
- 'And yet, every paddle-stroke on the River brings us further south, and as it does my heart sinks southward still. Tonight the bow of Legolas saved us, but for how long will our fortune hold?
- 'I am sorry, Sam. I do not want you to worry.'
- Frodo says, "I will be fine, Sam. Whatever that creature was, it is gone now."
Objective 16
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Merry: 'How are you feeling, Pip? When that winged shadow came out from behind that could, I thought we were done for. I was wrong, though! Thank goodness for the quick wits and quicker bow-strings of Elves!
- 'I don't want to think too much about that dark shape, at least, not tonight! Maybe the memory will be less frightening in the daylight tomorrow.'
- Pippin: 'Gimli says that shape we saw in the sky was a Balrog. You don't think it was, do you, Merry? I didn't get a good look at it, but that's what Gimli said. A Balrog, he said. You don't think it was, do you?'
Objective 17
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Listen to Aragorn on the banks of the Anduin
- Listen to Legolas on the banks of the Anduin
- Listen to Gimli on the banks of the Anduin
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Aragorn: 'In your hands, the bow of Galadriel is deadly indeed, Legolas! The entire company is in your debt. Did you mark how the shadow's fall dismayed the Orcs on the far shore? I feel they will not attack us again tonight.
- 'My guess is that our clever waterman set them on us. We have evaded his tricks thus far. May our fortune hold!'
- Legolas: 'Our journey leads us from danger into greater danger! To have lost Gandalf, to be pursued by Orcs from behind and to paddle into them ahead... what awaits us further down the river?
- 'And Gollum is still behind us. If he were not so cunning, perhaps I could catch him with an arrow, but it seems he has learned something about staying alive.'
- Gimli: 'It was a good shot, Legolas, I will give you that. But up close? Nothing can best an axe in the hand of one of Durin's Folk. If that winged shadow had just come a hair lower I would have proven it, and you would have saved an arrow!
- 'Your gift has proved useful, I grant that, but when I can make use of the Lady Galadriel's gift to me you will see a thing of wonder and beauty!'
Objective 18
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Listen to Boromir on the banks of the Anduin
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Boromir: Boromir stands apart from the rest of the group, staring across the water to the far bank, but every now and then his eyes drift in the direction of the hobbits.
- Boromir says, "Aragorn."
- Boromir says, "I will take the first watch. The little folk need their rest."
- Boromir says, "They have been through much tonight."
- Aragorn says, "No, Boromir. We cannot stop tonight. It is too dangerous to stay here."
- Aragorn says, "The Orcs have retreated, for now... but we are still being watched."
- Boromir says, "Aragorn, we cannot --"
- Your friends are gone, but something else has come
- Sneaking Creature says, "Ssss... they were here, yes, precious."
Objective 19
- You are held in the grip of a dream
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
- Sneaking Creature: 'Sneaking and creeping, precious! Floating and hiding, no splishing and splashing! Like the fishes, gollum! Gollum!'
- The creature Gollum stares past you with its eyes like lamps, but even in the grip of the dream you feel a chill at the thought you might be seen.
- 'Are you a nice fishy? Tasty? We need to keep out strength, gollum, gollum. We can't take the precious if our handses are too weak to wrap and squeeze... we needs our strength.
- 'Tasty fishy. Eat, and then we follows the precious, gollum! Gollum!'
Objective 20
- You are held in the grip of a dream.
You are held in the grip of a dream.
Familiar faces have emerged from the fog of sleep.
Objective 21
- You are held in the grip of a dream. Examine the enormous sword that rises from the swamp before you
You are held in the grip of a dream.
- A giant sword rises from the misty swamp before you.
Objective 22
- You are held in the grip of a dream
You are held in the grip of a dream
- As you touch the sword, vivid colour returns to the world
- You are all alone. Candaith is gone. Your friends are gone.
- You hear someone stumbling through the reeds.
- Nona says, "<name>! Where are you?"
- Nona says, "I cannot see you... <name>, where are you?"
- Nona says, "Who is that? What is that?"
- Nona says, "Something is coming!"
- Nona says, "<name>, where are you?"
- Galadriel says, "The darkness is all around you!"
- Galadriel says, "It flies with winged speed to endanger our secret purpose!"
- Galadriel says, "<name>! You must come to Lothlórien!"
- Galadriel says, "Come to Lothlórien... and bring the Ghost."
- Nona says, "So... cold..."
- Nona: As you stare at Nona's lifeless body lying among the mist and the reeds, you feel the waking world beginning to rip away the veil of sleep from your eyes...
- You have unlocked the movie 'Volume III, Book 6: Troubled Dreams'.