Travel Skills

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There are many different travel skills you can earn or get during your travels. For more detailed information on getting around please see Travelling.

Return to Skills (Racial)

These skills are acquired through racial traits. The Return skills for Bree, Michel Delving, Thorin's Gate and Rivendell can also be purchased by any race through the Lotro store.

Racial Travel Skills
 Return to Bree (Race of Man)
 Return to Michel Delving (Hobbit)
 Return to Thorin's Gate (Dwarf)
 Return to Rivendell (Elf)
 Return to Grimbeorn's Lodge (Beorning)
 Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien (High Elf)
 Travel to Thorin's Hall (Stout-axe)
 Return to Lyndelby (River Hobbit)

Return to Thorin's Gate can also be attained with Kindred with Thorin's Hall and 100 Dourhand Crests.

Return to Bree can also be attained with Kindred with the Men of Bree and 100 Barrow-treasures

Return to skills (reputation)

These skills can be used by anyone and are acquired through Reputation rewards.

Reputation Travel Skills Standing Reputation Group Quest Pack
 Return to after-battle Henneth Annûn Friend Host of the West March of the King
 Return to after-battle Minas Tirith Friend Defenders of Minas Tirith March of the King
 Return to after-battle Osgiliath Friend Host of the West March of the King
 Return to Aldburg Kindred The Eorlingas
 Return to Andrath Acquaintance Dúnedain of Cardolan
 Return to Arnach Friend Rangers of Ithilien
 Return to Bree Kindred Men of Bree
 Return to Carn Dûm Neutral Stewards of the Iron-home Instance Cluster: Return to Carn Dûm
 Return to Cardolan Acquaintance Dúnedain of Cardolan
 Return to Clegur Acquaintance Dúnedain of Cardolan
 Return to Derndingle Acquaintance The Ents of Fangorn Forest
 Return to Dol Amroth Kindred Dol Amroth
 Return to Enedwaith Kindred Algraig, Men of Enedwaith
 Return to Forlaw Kindred People of Wildermore
 Return to Galtrev Kindred Men of Dunland
 Return to Haerondir Respected Host of the West Battle of the Black Gate
 Return to Helm's Deep Kindred The Helmingas
 Return to Minas Tirith Kindred Defenders of Minas Tirith
 Return to Mirkwood Kindred Malledhrim
 Return to Nobottle Acquaintance The Yonder-watch Quest Pack: Yondershire
 Return to Ost Guruth Kindred The Eglain
 Return to Thorin's Gate Kindred Thorin's Hall
 Return to Snowbourn Kindred Men of the Sutcrofts
 Return to Stangard Kindred The Riders of Stangard
 Return to Swanfleet Acquaintance Dúnedain of Cardolan
 Return to the Camp of the Host Kindred Host of the West
 Return to the War-stead Friend Riders of Rohan
 Return to the Udûn Foothold Friend Conquest of Gorgoroth
 Return to Tornhad Acquaintance Defenders of the Angle Rangers and Ruins
 Return to Trader's Wharf Neutral The League of the Axe Wildwood
 Return to Trestlebridge Acquaintance Woodcutter's Brotherhood Wildwood
 Return to Dale Friend Men of Dale
 Return to Járnfast Friend Grey Mountains Expedition
 Return to Skarháld Friend Grey Mountains Expedition
 Return to Hultvís Acquaintance Wilderfolk
 Return to Beorninghús Acquaintance Wilderfolk
 Return to Estolad Lân Acquaintance The White Company
 Return to Limlók Acquaintance Protectors of Wilderland
 Return to Annâk-khurfu Acquaintance March on Gundabad
 Return to Akrâz-zahar Neutral Kharum-ubnâr
 Return to Azanulbizar Acquaintance (Dumul) The Haban'akkâ of Thráin
 Return to the Noble Gate Friend Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold
 Return to Leitstáth Friend Reclaimers of the Mountain-hold
 Return to Dol Amroth Acquaintance The Renewal of Gondor
 Return to Lond Cirion Acquaintance The Renewal of Gondor
 Return to Pelargir Acquaintance The Renewal of Gondor
 Return to Halrax Neutral Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl
 Return to Jax Phanâl Neutral Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl
 Return to Umbar Neutral Citizens of Umbar Baharbêl
 Return to the Bloody Eagle Tavern
 Return to Utug-bûr Neutral The Ikorbâni

Journey to skills (Allegiance)

Once you complete the first chapter for an Allegiance, you receive that Allegiance's travel skill:



Hunter Wayfaring

Mariner Sailing

Warden Mustering