The Ford of Bruinen (PoI)

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This page is about the location. For the skirmish, see The Ford of Bruinen (Skirmish). For the deed, see Ford of Bruinen (Deed)
The Ford of Bruinen
Type: Ford
Region: Trollshaws
Area: High Moor
Location: [33.5S, 11.4W]

The Ford of Bruinen is a point of interest within High Moor, in the Trollshaws. [33.5S, 11.4W]

This renowned ford is found where the Great East Road crosses the River Bruinen, almost at the border between Bruinen Gorges and High Moor. To the south and along the river's eastern side, lies the Blooming Fens. And to the north-east is Rivendell, though it is impossible to travel upstream against the wild, powerful river.

Not long ago Frodo and his hobbit friends were on their way to Rivendell, and it was at this location the Black Riders ambushed them from out of nowhere.

This is also the location for the skirmish named the Ford of Bruinen.


These deeds can be advanced by visiting the Ford of Bruinen:







This is the only crossing of the River Bruinen until it joins with the mighty Greyflood far to the south and west. The waters seem calm and placid here, but the signs along either bank suggest that the river overflows its course with great violence from time to time. — Deed
"All at once, as if through a gate of light, the Road ran out again from the end of the tunnel into the open. There at the bottom of a sharp incline they saw before them a long flat mile, and beyond that the Ford of Rivendell. On the further side was a steep brown bank, threaded by a winding path; and behind that the tall mountains climbed, shoulder above shoulder, and peak beyond peak, into the fading sky." - The Fellowship of the Ring, Tolkien
