Cape of Belfalas Homesteads

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Cape of Belfalas Homesteads
Region: Western Gondor
Interior(s): Stately House
Luxurious House
Deluxe Kinship House
Landmark(s): Cathlond
Tol Falthui
Tol Lochúl
Havens of Belfalas

The Cape of Belfalas Homesteads is a Premium Housing area located within the region of Western Gondor. It was announced in the October 16, 2016 Dev Diary and released as part of Update 19.

'The Cape of Belfalas is under rule of Dol Amroth and it has been this way since I can remember. Not that I have been to the city in many a long year. Ha, that is how it goes sometimes, I reckon!'
-Falastír keeper of the lighthouse of Narvindon [92.7S, 62.4W] Cape of Belfalas.



    This housing area has several one-time quests and a related Deed, to tour the area and get into the seaside state of mind.
    They can be picked at the Lighthouse, Narvindon, and reward new Gondorian decorations.

    Cape of Belfalas Quests


    1- [...] Homesteads of Gondor


    2- [...] The Cape of Belfalas
    3- [...] Wood from the Emyn Ernil


    4- [...] Coastal Berries
    5- [...] Walking Shell


    6- [...] Checking the Traps
    7- [...] Fishing the Day Away


    Doing all the above quests completes a deed that also rewards a Gondorian house decoration.
    The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


    Stately House

    House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
    1 Cliff Road [86.7S, 67.0W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
    1 Bay Road [87.9S, 66.2W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
    2 Bay Road [87.4S, 66.4W] 137 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
    1 Cape Road [92.2S, 63.3W] 243 Mithril Coin   10 Writs Gold 
    2 Cape Road [91.8S, 62.1W] 145 Mithril Coin   6 Writs Gold 
    3 Cape Road [92.1S, 61.7W] 243 Mithril Coin   10 Writs Gold 

    Luxurious House

    House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
    1 Cypress Road [85.5S, 67.3W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    2 Cypress Road [86.2S, 67.0W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
    2 Cliff Road [86.5S, 66.4W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
    3 Bay Road [87.1S, 65.6W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
    4 Bay Road [88.1S, 64.7W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
    6 Bay Road [87.9S, 65.4W] 422 Mithril Coin   17 Writs Gold 
    7 Bay Road [88.6S, 65.4W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    1 Silver Street [90.4S, 63.2W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    1 Swan Lane [91.0S, 63.0W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    2 Swan Lane [90.5S, 62.4W] 493 Mithril Coin   20 Writs Gold 
    1 Windy Lane [91.0S, 63.0W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    2 Windy Lane [91.2S, 62.4W] 445 Mithril Coin   18 Writs Gold 
    4 Cape Road [91.3S, 61.6W] 493 Mithril Coin   20 Writs Gold 
    5 Cape Road [90.3S, 60.7W] 493 Mithril Coin   20 Writs Gold 

    Kinship House

    House Address Location Mithril Cost Housing Writ Cost Upkeep
    Tol Falthui (North Island) [86.24S, 75.19W] 894 Mithril Coin  36 Gold 500 Silver 
    Tol Lochúl (South Island) [89.2S, 71.0W] 894 Mithril Coin  36 Gold 500 Silver 
    5 Bay Road [87.0S, 65.0W] 707 Mithril Coin  29 Gold 
    2 Silver Street [89.7S, 63.1W] 745 Mithril Coin  30 Gold 

    Note: Upkeep is waived for VIPs.


    • Services, including Vault access, are provided within or just outside the Lighthouse, Narvindon, in each neighbourhood.
    A 10% discount on goods and services is supplied for local residents. Should you be a member of a Kinship with a Kinhouse in the neighbourhood, a 15% discount is available.


    • Mailbox - There are mailboxes at each individual residence.

    Tasks Bulletin Board

    Complete groupings of Tasks Bulletin Boards (levels 1-110) exist in multiple locations in each neighbourhood.


    • While there are no public crafting areas in the Belfalas neighbourhoods, many residents leave their homes and yards accessible to neighbors. If they have purchased crafting stations from the LOTRO Store and have set permissions to allow the use of decorations, you can access these resources any time. Try visiting the Kinship islands for your best chance of finding accessible decorations.

    Places of Interest

    • Tol Falthui - Northern Island
    Falthui Dock - [86.8S, 74.7W]
    • Tol Lochú - Southern Island
    Lochú Dock - [89.5S, 70.4W]


    NPC Function Location Coords
    Auctioneer Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Cranniel Quest NPC Narvindon [92.2S, 62.4W]
    Falastír Quest NPC Narvindon [92.2S, 62.4W]
    Forge-master Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Haldil Quest NPC Terrace on stairs leading east from Cathlond docks [89.6S, 65.5W]
    Healer Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Hobby Master Cathlond docks [89.4S, 65.7W]
    Housing Furnisher Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    On a grand plaza
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [91.5S, 60.8W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Nothwen Housing Broker Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Provisioner Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Shell Quest NPC Plaza adjacent to Narvindon [92.2S, 62.4W]
    Supplier Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.7S, 62.4W]
    Town Crier Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    On a grand plaza
    Plaza adjacent to Narvindon
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [91.5S, 60.8W]
    [92.5S, 62.3W]
    Vault-keeper Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    On a grand plaza
    Plaza adjacent to Narvindon
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [91.5S, 60.8W]
    [92.5S, 62.3W]
    Wenda Cranesbill VIP Rewards Scenic overlook above the Cathlond docks
    Plaza adjacent to Narvindon
    [89.0S, 66.1W]
    [92.5S, 62.3W]


    Miscellaneous Notes

    • Huge Gondorian white marble masonry (a dwarf will be pleased);
    • With the white tree insignia outdoors;
    • Double stairs;
    • Default starry wallpaper (only visible when applied paint);
    • Blue sky-like domes;
    • Indoors balconies;
    • Since all houses are seaside or on islands, with seagulls on the background, even the elves will love it.

    Hook Types and Locations

    Each house comes with a number of exterior hooks in the following categories:

    Hook Type Stately House Luxurious House Kinship House
    Kinship House
    Interior 124 142 180
    Wall 50 54 62
    Furniture 54 62 80
    Floor 14 18 26
    Ceiling 6 8 12
    Exterior 20 29 38 65
    Enormous Yard 2 4 5 8
    Huge Yard 1 1 2 4
    Yard 14 18+3 22+6 44+6
    Doormat 1 1 1
    Ceiling (inside house) n/a n/a 1
    Ambient Environment 1 1 1
    Ambient Music 1 1 1


    As of Release 34.3, there are 200 neighbourhoods in the Cape of Belfalas.



    The Cape of Belfalas was once the southernmost point in the Lord of the Rings Online, until the introduction of the Cape of Umbar.


    Map of the Cape of Belfalas
    Map of the Cape of Belfalas

    Map of the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads
    Map of the Cape of Belfalas Homesteads