Morlad (King's Gondor)

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This page is about Morlad in the summer months after the War of the Ring. For the town during the war, see Morlad
Region: King's Gondor
Area: Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor)
Location: [56.9S, 67.5W]


Morlad is a settlement located within the area of the Blackroot Vale in King's Gondor. [56.9S, 67.5W]

Morlad is the seat of the Blackroot Vale and home to Duinhir and Rosfin, lord and lady of the Vale. It was home also to their sons Derufin and Duilin who, like many others, did not return to Morlad from Minas Tirith. Morlad is a far grimmer place now than it once was.



The following services can be found within the settlement of Morlad:

Crafting [56.9S, 67.3W]


Quest Involvement

The Song of Waves and Wind:


Deed Involvement




Against the southern slopes of the White Mountains along the River Morthond lies the seat of the Blackroot Vale, the walled town of Morlad. Atop its winding roads sits the estate of the Lord of the Blackroot Vale, Duinhir, and his wife, Rosfin. When Gondor was called to war, Lord Duinhir and his sons, Duilin and Derufin, led some five hundred bowmen to Minas Tirith to defend the city against the armies of Mordor. After the war was ended and Lord Duinhir and his men returned to Morlad, news spread of the deaths of his sons and of the attempt to lay the blame for the murder of a Haradrim emissary upon him. Despite Gondor's victory, Morlad has become a grim place, and many of its people believe they have been cast aside by King Elessar in the aftermath of the War of the Ring.