Quest:The Lord's Edict
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Level | 142 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Gorvadan or Orchalion or Uidor |
Start Region | Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor) |
Map Ref | [58.7S, 63.4W] |
Ends with | Malthellam |
Ends at | Morlad |
End Region | Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor) |
Map Ref | [56.8S, 67.5W] |
Quest Group | Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor) |
Quest Chain |
Blackroot Vale (King's Gondor) Quests
Bounties & Landscape: Tarlang's Crown
Fennas Dûr:
Lhingroth: Eryn Asgath:
Walkthrough & Notes |
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Quest Text | |
Bestowal DialogueGorvadan & Orchalion: 'By Lord Duinhir's edict, none are to enter the Blackroot Vale without his permission or without dire need. It is my duty to inform you that all others must be turned away, with my truest apologies. Have you an invitation from the Lord or some suitable cause for entrance?' You inform the guard that you have come to the Blackroot Vale on behalf of King Elessar. A flash of concern washes over the guard's face and he stammers as he begins to speak again. 'I... yes... of course, you may enter the Blackroot Vale. Lord Duinhir bids a... gracious welcome... to King Elessar and all of his emissaries from Gondor... and the lands beyond!' The guard appears to have finally steadied himself, and he appears impressed with himself for managing such a diplomatic speech unrehearsed. 'Even so, I must ask that you speak to the Steward of the Vale, Malthellam, in the town of Morlad, and seek his permission to remain in the Blackroot Vale. And, if it does not trouble you, please offer my apologies to the King for delaying you in your errand.' Uidor: 'It has been some time since you were last in the Blackroot Vale, has it not? Much has changed, though I fear not all of it for the better, despite Gondor's victory in the War. Tingobel, at least, has been rebuilt after we routed what remained of the Orcs. But there will be time enough to speak of these things, I think. It is my duty to inform you that the Vale does not allow for travellers without the permission of the Lord or without some suitable cause. Why have you returned?' You inform Uidor that you have come to the Blackroot Vale on behalf of King Elessar. 'I see. That is cause enough for me, and I have not forgotten the deeds you've done for the good of the Vale. I will not stand in the way of your duties, my friend. If you wish to speak to someone on the authority of the King, you should talk to Malthellam. You remember him, do you not? He was the Steward of the Vale while Lord Duinhir served in the War, and though Lord Duinhir has returned, Malthellam has kept his role as steward and advisor while the Lord and Lady remain in grieving for their sons. If your business should demand an audience with the Lord and Lady, so be it, but for all other matters, I would not have you trouble him. 'It is good to see you again, <name>. May your errands be swift!' BackgroundDarkened by the absence of those lost in the War of the Ring, the Blackroot Vale has become a grim and mournful place, but hope remains that this new peace portends a better future under the rule of King Elessar. Objective 1
Malthellam can be found outside his home in Morlad in the Blackroot Vale. You have been told to travel to Morlad to seek an audience with the Steward of the Vale, Malthellam, and gain the Lord's permission to remain in the Blackroot Vale.