Hashadir (King's Gondor)

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This page is about Hashadîr after the War of the Ring in Gondor. For the camp during the war, see Hashadir
Region: King's Gondor
Area: The Havens of Belfalas (King's Gondor)
Location: [78.6S, 72.8W]


Hashadîr can be found in Belfalas in King's Gondor. [78.6S, 72.8W]

The Corsairs of Umbar established a camp here during the War of the Ring, but have since been driven off. Rats and crabs have taken their place.

Quest Involvement

Deed Involvement



The Corsairs of Umbar have been driven away from Hashadir, but they left behind a significant rodent infestation among their destroyed tents. The shores too, have reverted back to nature, with a populace of enormous crabs taking up residence on the sandy beaches.