Hata Kebir (King's Gondor)

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This page is about Hata Kebir in the summer following the Battle of Pelennor Fields. For the war-camp immediately before the battle, see Hata Kebir
Hata Kebir
Type: Camp
Region: King's Gondor
Area: Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Location: [84.5S, 37.2W]


The camp of Hata Kebir can be found in Lower Lebennin in King's Gondor. [84.5S, 37.2W] Established by the Corsairs and Haradrim before the Battle of Pelennor Fields, this camp has been taken over by far less organized bandits.



The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:



The War-camp of Hata Kebir served as one of the primary settlements constructed by the Haradrim and Corsairs that united to threaten Lebennin and the greater lands of Gondor. In the days since the end of the war, brigands have congregated within its bounds and endanger the King's peace.