High Elf

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High Elves

High Elves, who have beheld the beauty of Valinor, possess grace and strength beyond even their woodland kin. Those few who remain yearn to see that Middle-earth is safe to bequeath to Men before they depart for the Undying Lands.

High Elves were added with the Mordor expansion.

Playable Classes: Brawler, Burglar, Captain, Champion, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-master, Mariner, Minstrel, Rune-keeper, Warden

Starting Area: Rivendell / Celondim

Starter Quest: Into Darkness Falls a Star

High Elf Names

With rare exception, the Elves of Middle-earth have Sindarin names.

Names like Arwen, Celebrian, and Galadriel are examples of Elf-women in Middle-earth.
  • Common Feminine name Endings: -anor, -dal, -dis, -el, -eth, -iel, -il, -gil, -los, -raen, -reth, -riel, -rian, -rien, -uilas, -uilos, -wen, -wing
  • Common Female Prefixes: Adan-, And-, Ar-, Bel-, Breg-, Celeb-, Dol-, Edhel-, El-, Fan-, Find-, Galadh-, Gil-, Hir-, Ior-, Ir-, Lal-, Mel-, Mor-, Nim-, Rod-, Sael-, Tinu-
Names like Elrond, Legolas and Lindir are examples of elf-men in Middle-earth.
  • Common Masculine name Endings in Sindarin are: -adan, -aran, -bor, -born, -dir, -dor, -had, -ion, -las, -moth, -or, -phant, -phor, -randir, -ras, -rod, -rond, -ros, -thalion, -thir, -uil, and -we
  • Common Prefixes are: Adan-, Aeg-, Am-, Aran-, Bara-, Beleg-, Celeb-, Curu-, Dag-, El-, Fela-, Fin-, Gal-, Gil-, Hal-, Ing-, Lin-, Mal-, Pen-, Tar-, Thurin-, Ul-

High Elf Origins

  • of Gondolin - The memory of the white towers of Gondolin, hidden city of the High Elves, still burns within you, though it fell to treachery long ago.
  • of Imladris - Driven from your home by Death and war, you came to the hidden vale of Imladris, where you have long dwelt under Elrond's protection.
  • of Nargothrond - You spent your younger days in the cavern-fortress of Nargothrond, the hall of Finrod Felagund, whose beauty was lost in the wars of old.
  • of Beleriand - In Elder Days, you dwelt in the fair Elf-lands of Beleriand, now broken and lost forever beneath the Sea.
  • of Ossiriand - Your home of Ossiriand survived the fall of Beleriand to be come Gil-galad's realm of Lindon, now grown empty as the Elves depart for Valinor.

High Elf Emotes

High Elves can perform a ballet like racial dance by typing /dance3 into chat.

Passive Skills

 Fading of the Firstborn: [-400 at Level 150] Fate
 Peace of the Eldar:
[+6800 at Level 150] Maximum Morale,
[+612 at Level 150] non-Combat Morale Regen
 Sorrow of the Undying: [-477 at Level 150] Will
 Suffer no Illness: +1% Disease and Poison Resistance

High Elf Traits and Deeds

For details see High Elf Traits

Trait Description Level Deed
Grace of the Firstborn +10% Out of Combat Run Speed 13 Enmity of the Orcs (50)
Travel to Caras Galadhon Grants the skill Travel to Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien 32 Enmity of the Orcs II (150)
Blade Dancer +5% 1H/2H Sword Damage 42 Enmity of the Orcs III (250)
Wrath of the Firstborn Grants the skill Wrath of the Firstborn 19 None; Auto-granted
Grace of Valinor Grants the skill Grace of Valinor 25 None; Auto-granted
Those Who Remain [+1,200 at Level 150] Will 29 None; Auto-granted
Enmity of Darkness +5% Light-type Damage 35 Enmity of the Dourhands (50)
Glory of the First Age Grants the skill Glory of the First Age 38 Enmity of the Dourhands II (150)
Virtuous High Elf Grants +1 Wisdom, Confidence, and Justice 60+ Friend with Galadhrim

Some of these traits are obtained via completion of High Elf Racial Deeds, while others are automatically granted upon reaching the appropriate level.

High Elves of Lore

The High Elves are those who are counted among the Noldor, the Falmari, and the Calaquendi, who have been to Valinor and seen its sacred Light. There are not many High Elves left in Middle-earth at the end of the Third Age.