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Dunland is a region found within the land of Eriador.

Dunland (Rohirric for Hill Land) is a hilly, brown land with Enedwaith to the North, the Old North-South Road (also known as the Greenway in Bree-land) to the West and Misty Mountains to the east. Far from the centers of population of Arnor and Gondor, its inhabitants at times included the Men known as Dunlendings as well as wandering Hobbits and Dwarves. Dunland was a fair, fertile land. By the end of the Third Age being neither prosperous or civilised, it was sparsely inhabited by unorganized herdsmen and hillmen.

Dunland Locations

Locations found within the region of Dunland are listed below.








For more detail, see Dunland Quests

Dunland Quests (17 C, 1 P)


For more detail, see Dunland Deeds
Dunland Deeds (5 C, 1 P)


For more detail, see Dunland Titles
Dunland Titles (3 C, 2 P)

Connected Locations

Dunland Armour Sets

Many of the armor pieces given out via quests or that are dropped in Dunland, the Gap of Rohan, and Nan Curunir are cosmetically identical. See Dunland Armour Sets for a complete listing.

Dunland Reputation

Dunland Creatures

Dunland Creatures (1 C, 184 P)


Craft-hall (Galtrev)

Crafting Tier(s):

Crafting Location(s):

Crafting Facilities:

Primarily: Inside the settlement of Galtrev: Craft-hall (Galtrev)


Dunland was inhabited by the Dunlendings, who according to the leader of Lhan Garan, Talfryn, call their land Brundir. Dunlendings were Men who were mostly bearded and had dirty faces, and long matted hair. They wore clothes of leather and animal skin and carried weapons that were simple but effective for their purpose. They usually fought with clubs and pitchforks, and at times they carried torches to act as lights at night and to burn buildings by day. The buildings that Dunlendings lived and worked in were crude shacks of wood and animal skin that were often sabotaged by Wargs and sometimes the Rohirrim.

Ancestors of the Dunlendings inhabited the forested regions of Middle-earth on either side of the Gwathló in the early Second Age; thus the early Númenóreans called them Gwaithuirim. They spoke a language related to that of the Second House of Men, the Haladin, rather than the vastly different Bëorian-Marachian tongue which stood at the base of Adûnaic, and this lack of mutual understanding led to outright hostility. The Númenóreans greedily harvested Gwaithuirim forests for timber, and after much war and bloodshed, the Gwaithuirim from south of the Gwathló fled east to the Hithaeglir while others scattered to the cape of Eryn Vorn and the White Mountains.

At the end of the Second Age, the land north of the Gwathló and south of the Brandywine River was named Minhiriath "Land between the Rivers", although the land south of Minhiriath remained unnamed. Its inhabitants were largely ignored despite the fact that the Gondor colonial city of Tharbad grew up on the Gwathló west of the Misty Mountain hillfolk who had been Gwaithuirim long before. It was not until Gondor abandoned this city in TA 2050 that the people and their land were renamed: both became known as Enedwaith "Middle-Folk, Middle Region", because they owed no allegiance to the North or South Kingdom.

Ref: Fandom Wiki


Map of Dunland Dunland Topography Dunlending land map by Yuudachi Houteishiki Eriador by Varghedin

Dunland Detailed Maps

Dunland POIs Dunland Artifacts
