The lore on this page has been quite interesting to compile.
However, it is a mix of First, Second and Third age language and location names.
- I have give the "common" name in parens () after the first reference, but the question is... which should be used later in the article? (I don't think I'm consistent.)
- Also, in the second paragraph... the old North-South Road has multiple names... it is also "L" shaped.
Dunland is north of the part down at the Isen, but east of the part that runs North-south....
Anybody have any better phraseology than what I came up with feel free to "straighten" it out.
Planning for the end of the month: First pass on ROI layout ...
Geography: Top level Map is called Dunlending
- Sub maps are
[Dunlending Map] Areas: [North to South / West to East] (Horse Point name - coordinates)
- Trum Dreng (Lahn Tarren - 75.3S 22.4W)
- Bone-vales (Echad Naeglanc - 77.3S 15.8W) -- also spelled Bonevales
- Tâl Methedras (Tâl Methedras Gate - 78.3S 11.2W)
- Pren Gwydh (Galtrev - 79.9S 16.7W)
- Starkmoor (Avardin - 83.5S 20.4W)
- Gravenwood (Rohirrim Scout-camp - 80.9S 10.6W)
- Dunbog (Lhan Rhos - 86.8S 23.0W)
- Carreglyn (Barnovan - 84.7S 16.3W)
[Gap of Rohan Map]
- Wulf's Cleft (no stable)
- Isendale (no stable)
- Heathfellls (Forthbrond - 86.9S 7.6W)
- Heathfells (Grimbold's Camp - 87.8S 3.9W)
- Nan Curunír (Dagora's Camp - 84.9S 3.5W)
- Iesengard
Settlements... (virtually all have Provisioner, Supplier, Healer, Forge master, Relic Master, Task Boards, etc.)
- Lahn Tarren
- Galtrev (Primary hub - includes: Crafting Hall, Vault, AH, Bard, Skirmish Camp, Trainers)
- Avardin
- Lhan Rhos
- Barnovan
- There are a number of other "quest settlements"
"Instances" -- settlements only accessable via quests
- Tâl Methedras - epic book quest area
- Wulf's Cleft
One question which occurs immediately.... there are multiple "camps" both Ranger and Rohirrim - clearly not "settlements" but they do offer services (including Task Boards) -- are they "locations?" Same question applies to those locations which are either quest or deed targets but offer no services -- I assume them to be locations.