User:Matthew.zellmer/deed table template
When you finish a deed in Moria it will give you 700-900 reputation. Depending on the type of deed it will give you either reputation with Iron Garrison Miners (mostly exploration deeds) or Iron Garrison Guards (mostly slayer deeds) or Galadhrim.
Click on each deed for more information.
Some Deeds are activated upon completion of another deed, they are called Hidden or Meta-deeds. Meta deeds are cap-stone deeds that require the completion of a mix of other deeds, quests etc.
Moria Deeds
If you complete all of the Explorer, Slayer Lore deeds a capstone meta-deed (hidden) is rewarded. These meta-deeds are only obtained after all other deeds of that type are completed.
- There are a number Obsolete Deeds from Moria. These deeds have been removed from the game. They still exist for characters who previously completed them, but they will no longer be bestowed.
Moria Deeds by Category
Mines of Moria Instance Deeds
Mines of Moria Instance Deeds are part of the LOTRO Deed Log Instances tab. It represents the instance deeds released in LOTRO Mines of Moria expansion. But it's only a subset of the Moria instance deeds.
These deeds will give you 900 reputation either from Iron Garrison Miners (mostly slayer and progression deeds) or Iron Garrison Guards (mostly explorer and pick-up deeds).
Scourge of Khazad-dûm Instance Deeds
Scourge of Khazad-dûm Instance Deeds are part of the LOTRO Deed Log Instances tab. It represents the instance deeds released shortly after LOTRO Mines of Moria, and contains Book 7: Leaves of Lórien and Book 8: Scourge of Khazad-Dûm expansion. But it's only a subset of the Moria and Lothlórien instance deeds.
All Scourge of Khazad-dûm deeds can be completed in the following instances. When you finish one of the following deeds, your standing with Galadhrim will increase by 700.
Moria Instance Deeds by Category