Spider-slayer (Advanced) (Moria)

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Deed Lore

To show no mercy to the spiders of Middle-earth is to do a great deed, but nothing can stem their ever-growing presence save ceaseless vigilance in the slaughter of these horrific foes.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Defeat spiders in Moria (200)
Spiders in Moria thirst for darkness and strive ever to cover all the halls in their blackening webs, for they hate and fear the light that gives life unto other creatures.


   10 LOTRO Points
   Enhancement Runes, Incomparable
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Iron Garrison Miners ( 700 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Spider-slayer (Moria)
  2. Spider-slayer (Advanced) (Moria)

Additional Information