Quest:Reason for Alarm

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Reason for Alarm
Level 76
Type Solo
Starts with Adbert
Starts at Undeep Watch
Start Region The Wold
Map Ref [35.9S, 49.1W]
Ends with Thane Utred
Ends at Mead Hall of Langhold
End Region The Wold
Quest Group The North Wold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Ride, <name>! I only pray that your steed can bear you swiftly enough. The folk of Langhold must flee while there is still time!'


The Thane of Langhold must be warned of the impending attack by the united forces of Mordor's Easterlings and the Wold's own brigands.

Objective 1

Thane Utred can be found at the Mead Hall in Langhold.

You should return to Thane Utred with the urgent warning of Easterlings and the Nazgûl.

Thane Utred: 'So...the brigands ally with the Easterlings, led by a captain of Mordor. This is dire news indeed. What do you propose, <name>?'
You urge the Thane to evacuate Langhold. For a moment, he says nothing in reply; he only stares gravely into the distance.