Quest:Instance: War Comes to Rohan

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Instance: War Comes to Rohan
Level 76
Type Solo
Starts with Thane Utred
Starts at Mead Hall of Langhold
Start Region The Wold
Ends with Dala
Ends at Langhold
End Region The Wold
Map Ref [36.4S, 63.6W]
Quest Group The North Wold
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"Langhold is under attack by brigands, and worse yet -- their new Khundolar allies from the East."


Langhold is on the brink of a worrisome attack by unified forces of vengeful brigands and blood-thirsty Easterlings, backed by Mordor.

Objective 1

Thane Utred of Langhold has a decision to make.

You should speak with the Thane of Langhold.

Thane Utred: 'These "Nazgûl" of Mordor cannot be so strong as to lay low a strong city such as Langhold, full of hale Rohirrim warriors and war-steeds. I will not let the brigands refute their exile while I live!
'The women and children are to leave, but the Men of Langhold will stand and defend the city.'
Thane Utred refuses to abandon his city

Objective 2

  • Observe the Thane's converation with his family

Thane Utred is in the Mead Hall of Langhold.

You should listen to the Thane's conversation with his family, and then follow them outside when they are finished speaking.

Thane Utred says, "Higbald, ready the men for the attack. I must speak with my family."
Higbald says, "At once, my lord."
Thane Utred says, "Cíllan...."
Cíllan says, "Yes, my love, I know. I will bring our folk to Harwick and seek shelter there."
Cíllan says, "You need not fear for the safety of Langhold's women and children!"
Heburga says, "Father, let me stay and fight with you!"
Utmund says, "Me too, father! I am almost big enough to wield a sword...."
Thane Utred says, "My sweet children! I would not let you risk your lives for the world."
Thane Utred says, "The riders of Langhold will protect this city or die trying. That is our duty."
Thane Utred says, "But who will look after the other children while the men defend the town?"
Heburga says, "You can count on us, father!"
Utmund says, "I'll protect them too!"
Thane Utred says, "That is what I like to hear!"
Thane Utred says, "Take my war-steed, Cíllan. I know he will bear you all to Harwick safely!"
Cíllan says, "Farewell, Utred. I pray for a swift victory!"
The Thane convinces his children to go willingly with Cíllan

Objective 3

  • See if Utred is all right

Thane Utred is in the Mead Hall of Langhold.

You should listen to the Thane's conversation with his family, and then follow them outside when they are finished speaking.

Thane Utred: 'Thank heavens they left willingly, the brave dears. I must collect myself before I go out and rally the men.
'Please...will you go see them off safely, <name>? I need a moment to myself.'
Thane Utred needs a moment alone to collect his thoughts

Objective 4

  • Leave the Mead Hall and search for Cíllan outside

Thane Utred is in the Mead Hall of Langhold.

You should listen to the Thane's conversation with his family, and then follow them outside when they are finished speaking.

Objective 5

  • Talk to Cíllan outside the Mead hall

Cíllan is on the steps of the Mead Hall.

You should speak with Cíllan.

Cíllan: 'Do not look at me that way, <name>; you need not pity me. My husband is strong and stubborn, and does his duty with pride.
'Yes, I would rather have him safe by my side, but that is not the way of the Rohirrim.
'Come, we must make towards the stables. Utred wants us to take his war-steed to Harwick....'
Cíllan says, "I can already hear the enemy's approach. We must hurry!"

Objective 6

You should find Utred's war-steed by following Cíllan and her children.

Utred's War-steed: The magnificant horse looks ready to bear the Thane's family to the end of the world and back. It must have sensed its master's need, for it is prepared to carry its precious riders to safety at once.'
The war-steed is prepared for the evacuation

Objective 7

  • Make sure the innocent denizens of Langhold get a safe start to Harwick

You should watch the evacuating women and children, and ensure that they get a safe start on the road.

Townsperson says, "Higbald rounded us up, my lady. We are ready...."
Cíllan says, "Good. I hope Harding has a space for us temporarily."
Cíllan says, "Do not despair! We are people of the Riddermark."
Cíllan says, "Our spirits are not so easily broken!"
Heburga says, "Yes, and father said we're to protect the children!"
Townsperson says, "Then I know we will all be safe, Heburga!"
The sounds of battle ring in the north of town....
Dala says, "That sound...the enemy is at the north gate!"

Objective 8

  • Talk to Cíllan

You should watch the evacuating women and children, and ensure that they get a safe start on the road.

Cíllan: 'They are upon us! Go, <name>, with Dala -- we will be fine. We will leave immediately. They come from the north, and we make for the south.
'Be safe, <name>!'
The evacuees are safe; you should run to the defence of Langhold

Objective 9

  • Hurry to meet the invaders in battle

Invading brigands are at the north gate of Langhold.

You should hurry to the north gate and fight back the brigands.

The battle is near!

Objective 10

  • Help fight for Langhold

Observe the battle for Langhold.

Langhold Defender says, "Save us!!"
Utred says, "Begone, monster! Leave this town."
The Reaver of Khand says, "You have not the courage to withstand me, puny Man."
The Reaver of Khand says, "Your hideous city burns. My minions have taken it, and lent their arms to the Great Eye."
The Reaver of Khand says, "Surrender, and swear fealty to Mordor."
Utred says, "We are a free folk, and we make our own laws. I will never turn my soldiers over to the Shadow-lands!"
Eastmund says, "You and your honour, Utred! Where has it gotten you?"
Eastmund says, "You banished us one too many times. I warned you."
Eastmund says, "Your lack of tolerance has driven us into the arms of some powerful new friends!"
Eastmund says, "Revenge is so sweet...."
Utred says, "Unh!"
The Thane has fallen, and madness comes over all

Objective 11

  • Find Dala in the chaos and follow him

In the chaos of Langhold's fall, Dala calls your name

Dala: '<name>, we must run! The Thane is dead, and Langhold burns as we speak. Run, run!'
Run after Dala to escape

Objective 12

  • Follow Dala

Follow Dala.

Dala: 'We made it out....'
Dala: 'My poor city! What now, <name>? My Thane is dead, and my city burns....
'We survivors must make for Harwick. I can only hope Harding has room for us.'