Jóshkhin Orda

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Jóshkhin Orda
Type: Landmark
Region: East Rohan
Area: The Wold
Location: [41.8S, 47.7W]


Jóshkhin Orda is a landmark within the Wold in East Rohan. It lies between two flagged points at[41.8S, 47.7W] and [42.4S, 47.2W]

This is a large camp of easterlings preparing to assault the settlements in the south of the Wold.


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this location:




Jóshkhin Orda is the large Easterling-encampment in the Wold, where Súth-torr was captured by the Nazgûl to pave the way for the enemies of the Rohirrim