Quest:Chapter 9: A Renewed Assault

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Chapter 9: A Renewed Assault
Level 50
Type Solo
Starts with Mordrambor
Starts at Tinnudir Keep
Start Region Evendim
Map Ref [12.0S, 68.0W]
Ends with Calenglad
Ends at Tinnudir
End Region Evendim
Map Ref [12.7S, 67.2W]
Quest Group Vol. I. Book 10
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I understand thou hast already seen the sites of Amarthiel's next assault, friend <name>, and their defenders believed in the strength of their defences.

'But this time will be different, for Amarthiel has new servants, and thy struggles have come to naught. Hurry now to thy master, to Calenglad of Tinnudir, and tell him where his friends will be slain: at the Port of Annúminas and the gate of Adannon.

'Amarthiel has told me the names of those marked for death: Gwonil and Torchirion. Tell Calenglad they will come no more out of Annúminas. Pay close attention to his grief, friend <name>...I look forward to hearing news of it!'


In exchange for bringing his message to Laerdan, Mordrambor has given you the locations of Amarthiel's next planned assault upon Annúminas.

Objective 1

Calenglad is at the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir in Evendim.

Mordrambor has told you to tell Calanglad of the planned locations for Amarthiel's next assaults: the port of Annúminas and the gate of Adannon.

Mordrambor: 'Run and tell thy master, Calenglad, that he will soon have reason to mourn his friends at the Port of Annúminas and at the gate of Adannon.
'Thou shalt report his grief to me, friend <name>, will thee not?'
Tadan: 'Pay no heed to the prisoner, <name>. Laerdan was right: his words are vile and mean nothing!
'He toys with us, but still we can learn things of value. Gwonil and Torchirion are friends of mine, and if we can come to their defence as a result of Mordrambor's words, I will be willing to suffer his vile whisperings.
'Bring this news to Calenglad! He must be told what awaits us!'
Calenglad: 'What ails you, <name>? You do not look well. Perhaps you should take some rest? The foes arrayed against us are fearful, but we must renew our strength from time to time -- you cannot fight such an enemy for so long without rest.
'What is this news you bring? Mordrambor has given us the locations of Amarthiel's next assaults on the city? The Port of Annúminas and the gate of Adannon, as before? What does she hope to accomplish with this renewed assault? Go quickly now to Gwonil at the docks and Torchirion at Adannon and help them repel these new attacks!
'I am sorry, <name>. Perhaps you can take some rest when this attack is ended? We cannot lose those positions now!'

Objective 2

  • Talk to Gwonil and defend her position
  • Talk to Torchirion and defend his position

Gwonil is on the docks at the Port of Annúminas, north of Echad Garthadir. Torchirion is at Adannon, a small gate in the city wall west of the docks that provides access to the western shore of Lake Nenuial.

Calenglad has asked you to hurry to the defence of Gwonil and Torchirion. According to the words of Mordrambor, they will bear the brunt of Amarthiel's latest assault upon the city.

Calenglad: 'These have been trying times for all of us, <name>, but I promise you: once you have aided Gwonil and Torchirion in the defence of the Port of Annúminas and the Gate of Adannon, we will try to rely less heavily upon you. You will be able to take some rest.'
Gwonil: 'I do not see anything, <name>. Are you sure the prisoner said they were planning a fresh assault upon the docks?'
  • Defend Gwonil
Gwonil says, "Wait, I see them: boats pulling up to the dock!"
Gwonil says, "Come with me! We must stop them from the landing."
You have successfully defended Gwonil's position
Gwonil says, "We have repelled the assault! Victory is ours once again!"

Torchirion: 'It has been quiet since last you were here, <name>. I suspected the Angmarim might be planning a fresh assault, but I have seen no signs of it thus far.'
  • Defend Torchirion
Torchirion says, "Wait! Do you see them, at the bottom of the hill?"
Torchirion says, "We must defend Adannon once more, you and I!"
You have successfully defended Torchirion's position

Objective 2

  • Talk to Calenglad

Calenglad is at the Ranger-camp on the island of Tinnudir in Evendim.

You have defended Gwonil and Torchirion from the assaults foretold by Mordrambor and should now return to Calenglad with news of your success.

Torchirion: 'All else might fall, but still you and I will hold the gate of Adannon against all aggressors! Is it not so, <name>?'
Gwonil: 'You have my thanks once again, <name>! I am deeply saddened to face Men of Evendim in battle; the gold of Angmar has too easily turned their hearts from mischief to evil.'
Calenglad: 'Once again the words of Mordrambor have guided us true, <name>? It was good fortune indeed that allowed you and Tadan to make him a prisoner of the Rangers.'