Bestowal Dialogue
On a Field of Red
"Fight onward! The battle is not yet ended!"
The forces of Mordor prepare for a final attack on the fields of the Pelennor.
Objective 1
- Talk to Horn and fight alongside him
You have found Horn in the midst of battle, but the bloodshed is taking its toll on him.
- Horn: '<name>, I have not seen you since the morning, and I feared the worst! We have a brief reprieve for now, but it will not last long. I have seen such horrors... so many good men lost...'
Objective 2
- Talk to Horn and fight alongside him
You have found Horn in the midst of battle, but the bloodshed is taking its toll on him.
- <If you completed Halros Should Go>
- Horn says, "There has been so much death today. When will it be over?'
- Halros says, "I will fight until my chief tells me to stop.'
- Horn says, "My own King fell on this field, and now I have another.'
- Halros says, "You will fight for him, I warrant, until this land is made safe?"
- Halros says, "The time for such questions is over, my new friend! Our enemies try another assault!"
- <If you completed Halros Should Stay>
- Horn says, "So much death... The field is tinged red with the blood of my kinsmen!"
- Horn says, "So many friends dead... and for what?"
- Horn says, "Glory and honour? What good do they do the dead?"
- Horn says, "Théoden is king no more... how long can Éomer hope to last?"
- Horn says, "Our foes return! When will there be an end to them?"
Objective 3
- Talk to Horn on the battlefield
You have fought alongside Horn, but the horrors of battle are taxing his courage.
- <If you completed Halros Should Go>
- Horn: 'This young Ranger, this Halros, is able to do his duty without questioning it? Did I ever have that strength? I know that is what is expected of me, and I came here to prove it, but...
- 'If I was more like him, would I be able to fight on this field without regret? It weighs me down, even as I know why I must fight. But so many have died, and still the hosts of Mordor pour onto the plain! I thought I could protect Nona and our child from harm, but I see now that there is no hope of that. There are too many evils arrayed against us!'
- Your limbs are held by a powerful force, and you are unable to move!
- <If you completed Halros Should Stay>
- Horn: 'The enemies that pour forth from Mordor will not stop until they have slain every last one of us, <name>. They will not stop even then, for there is no mercy in their hearts. They will kill even women and children, the old and the infirm.
- 'I do not regret my decision! I will fight to make Nona and our child safe, and if I never see them again I will go to my grave knowing that I did what I could. I do not fight for glory or for honour. I fight for time, not for myself but for those I love!'
- Your limbs are held by a powerful force, and you are unable to move!
Objective 4
- Stand against the forces of evil
You have become held by a powerful and evil force, unable to move!
- Crúmgam says, "Did you think the tide had turned?"
- Crúmgam says, "The might of Mordor was not thwarted. It was... merely redirected."
- Crúmgam says, "Kill them all."
- Crúmgam says, "Ah, you show great strength of will. But it will not matter!"
- You break free of Crúmgam's evil!
Objective 5
Crúmgam must pay for his crimes against the Free Peoples of Middle-earth.
- Crúmgam says, "My death means nothing!"
- Crúmgam says, "I have inflicted what hurts I could, and that fills me with gladness as I die!"
- Crúmgam says, "Mordor and Sauron!"
- Crúmgam has been defeated!
- 'Calenglad says, "<name>!"
Objective 6
Crúmgam has been defeated, but not without sacrifice.
- <If you completed Halros Should Go>
- Horn: 'I could not move, <name>... it was fell sorcery, and... I was powerless...'
- Horn's breath comes raggedly, and there are tears in his eyes.
- 'Halros sprang to my defence, and took the blows that were meant for me. He died in my place... there was nothing I could do...'
- Calenglad: 'There is no time to mourn, <name>! We have to find Aragorn, for I fear he has gotten too far ahead and may become surrounded by his foes if we do not aid him!'
- <If you completed Halros Should Stay>
- Calenglad: 'There is no time to mourn, <name>! We have to find Aragorn, for I fear he has gotten too far ahead and may become surrounded by his foes if we do not aid him!'
Objective 7
Crúmgam has been defeated, but not without sacrifice.
- You have found Aragorn!
Objective 8
You have found Aragorn and the Grey Company on the battlefield as they prepare to confront Gothmog.#
- Gothmog says, "You are a long way from home, Dúnadan."
- Gothmog says, "Who are these others, and why have you come?"
- Aragorn says, "These are my friends and my kin."
- Aragorn says, "We have come by dangerous roads to put an end to you and your evil."
- Gothmog says, "I am afraid you have wasted a journey, for I cannot be ended!"
- Gothmog says, "My will is tethered to the pitiful Ranger Golodir, and to this world."
- Gothmog says, "While he lives, I cannot be slain!"
- Gothmog says, "What is this?"
- Halbarad says, "You are a fool, no matter what name you wear."
- Gothmog says, "Explain yourself before you die!"
- Corunir says, "Golodir is slain! He came south to the aid of Aragorn, our chief!"
- Corunir says, "He felled the Olog Thrúgrath, and died."
- Gothmog says, "No... he suffered such grief... how can it be?"
- Gothmog says, "How did he muster the strength to come forth?"
- Gothmog says, "Stop... laughing...!"
- Aragorn says, "Servant of Sauron! Hearken to me!"
- Aragorn says, "There is no future for you, or for your master!
- Aragorn says, "You know my name, and the name of my mighty ancestor."
- Aragorn says, "So too do I know yours."
- Aragorn says, "But hearken to me, Gothmog, and Mordirith, and Eärnur!"
- Aragorn says, "I have come out of the years of darkness to defy your master and all for which he stands!"
- Aragorn says, "Sauron will fall, and Mordor will perish, and you will know the darkness of true oblivion."
- Aragorn says, "The dawning of a new age is upon us! Begone, for there is no place in it for such as you!"
- Aragorn says, "Begone!"
- Gothmog says, "Hsssss!"
- Aragorn says, "Halbarad... my loyal friend..."
- Halbarad says, "I am glad I was able... to see.."
Objective 9
Gothmog has fled the battlefield, leaving Aragorn and the Grey Company to mourn the slain he leaves behind.
- Aragorn: 'There is too much sorrow on this field, <name>. Gothmog flees, and my anger will follow him, but this is not the day he will pay for the hurts he has caused us.'
- Aragorn: 'Let us make for the city, <name>. I have lost too many friends today.'