Ost Anglebed (King's Gondor)

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This page is about Ost Anglebed after the Midsummer wedding of Aragorn and Arwen. For the city before the Battle of Pelennor Fields, see Ost Anglebed
Ost Anglebed
Region: King's Gondor
Area: Lower Lebennin (King's Gondor)
Location: [79.2S, 39.1W]
Ost Anglebed


Ost Anglebed is a settlement located within the area of Lower Lebennin in King's Gondor. [79.2S, 39.1W]

The city sits below the beacon-hill of Amon Anglebed, which has been continually relit despite the defeat of Sauron. The guards of Ost Anglebed keep watch as best they can, but people loyal to the Heirs of Castamir work against them. This continues the unrest that became apparent during the Dawnless Day, when Steward Malthellim attempted to turn the city over to the Corsairs of Umbar in the absence of Sirgon, Lord of Lebennin.



The following services can be found within the settlement of Ost Anglebed:




The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


The Song of Waves and Wind


Queen's Party


The large city of Ost Anglebed is home to the keepers of the beacon of Amon Angelebed, which was lit during the War of the Ring. Unlike the other beacons of Gondor, the beacon here remains lit despite the arrival of the King's peace. Now the guards maintain a vigil over the townsfolk, fearful that some allies of disloyal Malthellim may think to continue his work and turn control of the town over to the foes of Gondor.
