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Type: Mountain Pass
Region: Misty Mountains
Area: High Crag
Location: [27.1S, 2.7E]

Rakhâs-bizar is a landmark within High Crag, in the Misty Mountains. [27.1S, 2.7E]

This narrow pass runs between towering mountains from the north-east of Giant Halls to the south-east of High Crag. This pass makes up one of the two means of reaching the Giant Halls from High Crag, the other being Gabilazan. Travellers may assume Rakhâs-bizar being the easier way of the two, but they will be surprised when they are met head-on by brutish trolls and merciless giants.





These deeds can be advanced by passing through Rakhâs-bizar:


These creatures are encountered at this location:


Rakhâs-bizar has never been well-travelled by the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. For time immemorial, giants have lived in the peaks and valleys to the south, and only those rare few who might call them friends, or who wish to test their mettle against a truly powerful and capricious foe might have reason to travel there. Not many of the latter return. — Deed
