Quest:Book 9, Epilogue: Greyhammers
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Level | 65 |
Type | Solo |
Starts with | Lúth |
Starts at | Echad Sirion |
Start Region | Mirkwood |
Map Ref | [15.1S, 61.4W] |
Ends with | Tandri Greyhammer |
Ends at | Hall of Kings |
End Region | Thorin's Gate |
Map Ref | [13.7S, 103.2W] |
Quest Group | Vol. II. Book 9 |
Walkthrough & Notes |
Although the quest text says goblins, orcs, and uruks, Half-orcs may work just as well. Areas where you can find the targets (in some harder areas you may try skirmishes):
Rewards |
Quest Text | |
Bestowal dialogue'I have told you of my hatred for the Orcs, <name>, and you know that no bounds can hold it! My passion for slaying Orcs cannot be contained by the borders of this forest, nor by those of any region in this Middle-earth! 'I have envisioned the grandest statement possible of my hatred for the Orcs. Let them rue the many times they have crossed the Greyhammer family and gnash their teeth in anguish that they ever did so! 'You will travel to every region in which an Orc, goblin, or uruk has caused harm to a Greyhammer and slay one of their kind, and you will shout "For the Greyhammers!" as you do so. Then perhaps the Orcs will know and fear my family, as they should! Do this first in Mirkwood, Lothlórien, and Moria, and work your way westward in sequence. Then speak to my father Tandri in Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin, and tell him of this glorious deed!' BackgroundLúth Greyhammer has envisioned the most grand statement of his hatred for the Orcs that have wronged his family and wants you to effect it! Objective 1
You are looking for Orcs, goblins, and uruks in Mirkwood, Lothlórien, and Moria. Lúth Greyhammer wants you to find and defeat a single Orc, goblin, or uruk in all the regions in which a Greyhammer has been wronged.
Objective 2
You are looking for Orcs, goblins, and uruks in Eregion, the Trollshaws, and the Misty Mountains. Lúth Greyhammer wants you to find and defeat a single Orc, goblin, or uruk in all the regions in which a Greyhammer has been wronged.
Objective 3
You are looking for Orcs, goblins, and uruks in the Lone-lands, Bree-land, and the North Downs. Lúth Greyhammer wants you to find and defeat a single Orc, goblin, or uruk in all the regions in which a Greyhammer has been wronged.
Objective 4
You are looking for Orcs, goblins, and uruks in Evendim, Forochel, and Angmar. Lúth Greyhammer wants you to find and defeat a single Orc, goblin, or uruk in all the regions in which a Greyhammer has been wronged.
Objective 5You are looking for Orcs, goblins, and uruks in the Shire and Ered Luin. Lúth Greyhammer wants you to find and defeat a single Orc, goblin, or uruk in all the regions in which a Greyhammer has been wronged.
Objective 6
Tandri Greyhammer is in Thorin's Hall, in Ered Luin. Now that you have completed Lúth Greyhammer's glorious deed of sending a statement to the Orcs in every region where a Greyhammer was wronged, it is time to tell his father Tandri of your exploits.