General Jewellery Sets (Level 51-60) Index

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Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Rings of Destiny 53* 59 Quests in Durin's Way in Moria
Jewellery of the Survivalist 55* 53 Quests in Zelem-melek in Moria
Knowledge of the Masters and Keepers 55* 55 Quests in Zelem-melek in Moria
Harthad 57-58* 58 Quests in The Flaming Deeps in Moria
Sneak's Subtlety 59* 60 Quests in The Foundations of Stone in Moria
Commander's Jewellery 60 60 Fil Gashan in Moria
Forfend the Elements 60 60 Instances in Moria
Blessing of Caras Galadhon 60 60 Kindred standing with the Galadhrim
Deadly Aim 60 60 Kindred standing with the Galadhrim
Lethal Strikes 60 60 Kindred standing with the Galadhrim
Lothlórien Knowledge 60 60 Kindred standing with the Galadhrim
Protector's Reproach 60 60 Kindred standing with the Galadhrim
Amelia's Regalia (Level 60) 60 60 Barter Tattered Shadows and Morgul Coins after achieveing Friend standing with Amelia's Studies

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.