Jewellery Sets (Level 41-50) Index

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Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Accessories of a Ranger 40-45 40-45 Friend or Ally standing with Rangers of Esteldín
Healer of Rivendell 40-50 40-50 Friend or Ally standing with Elves of Rivendell, Kindred standing with The Wardens of Annúminas
Warrior of Rivendell 40-50 40-50 Friend, Ally or Kindred standing with Elves of Rivendell
Trinkets of Skill 45* 49-50 Quests in Goblin-town
Trinkets of Virtue 45* 49-50 Quests in Goblin-town
Friend of Gabilshathûr 48* 44-46 Quests in Angmar
Defender of the Lossoth 45-49* 45-48 Quests in Forochel
Hero of the Lossoth 45-49* 45-48 Quests in Forochel
Protector of the Lossoth 45-49* 45-48 Quests in Forochel
Bands of Power 50* 50 Epic Vol. I, Book 14 quests
Bands of Haste 50* 50 Epic Vol. I, Book 14 quests
Amelia's Regalia (Level 50) 50 50 Barter Tattered Shadows and Morgul Coins after achieveing Acquaintance standing with Amelia's Studies

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.