Rings (Level 101-110) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Stats

 Invader's Topaz Steel Ring 101 300 +583 Might, +472 Vitality, +3305 Crit Rating, +3240 Finesse
 Conquerer's Topaz Steel Ring 106 311 +670 Might, +543 Vitality, +3799 Crit Rating, +3725 Finesse
 Pathfinder's Lapis Mithril Ring 106 311 +603 Might, +698 Vitality, +3725 Crit Def, +2496 Tact Mit
 Expeditionary's Mysterious Onyx Ring 110 309 +606 Agility, +720 Will, +523 Fate, +3091 Crit Rating, +4 LoE
 Expeditionary's Runed Jade Ring 110 309 +666 Will, +606 Vitality, +303 Fate, +8728 Out Healing, +4 LoE
 Invader's Peridot Oak Ring 110 309 +666 Might, +606 Vitality, +303 Fate, +4946 Crit Rating, +4 LoE
 Expeditionary's Amethyst Silver Ring 110 310 +663 Agility, +767 Vitality, +397 Fate, +4419 Crit Def, +4 LoE
 Invader's Amethyst Mithril Ring 110 310 +729 Might, +613 Vitality, +331 Fate, +4770 Phys Mastery, +4 LoE
 Invader's Mysterious Onyx Ring 110 311 +737 Will, +620 Vitality, +4827 Tact Mastery, +2496 Tact Mit, +4 LoE
 Invader's Lapis Silver Ring 110 312 +678 Agility, +549 Vitality, +271 Fate, +4274 Phys Mastery, +4 LoE
 Quite Ordinary Ring of Might 110 312 +204 Might, +226 Vitality, +869 Crit Rating, +493 Phys Mastery, +1009 Evade Rating
 Quite Ordinary Ring of Will 110 312 +204 Will, +226 Vitality, +869 Crit Rating, +493 Tact Mastery, +1009 Evade Rating
 Quite Ordinary Ring of Will 110 312 +204 Will, +226 Vitality, +869 Crit Rating, +493 Tact Mastery, +1009 Evade Rating

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Rings are crafted by Jewellers.