Pocket Items (Level 121-130) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Stats

 Morgul Explorer's Meaningful Locket 121 400 +460 Agility, +180 Vitality, +2080 Finesse,
 Preserved Graceful Mallorn Leaf 130 395 +477 Agility, +312 Vitality, +1152 Phys Mastery, +1331 Tact Mit
 Preserved Mighty Mallorn Leaf 130 395 +477 Might, +312 Vitality, +1152 Phys Mastery, +1877 Parry Rating
 Preserved Natural Mallorn Leaf 130 395 +477 Will, +312 Vitality, +1152 Tact Mastery, +1331 Phys Mit
 Morgul Explorer's Meaningful Locket 130 408 +482 Agility, +189 Vitality, +2184 Finesse,
 Venko's Trinket of Grudges 130 418 +511 Agility, +350 Vitality, +2315 Finesse,
 Wilderland Skirmisher's Meaningful Locket 130 418 +460 Agility, +450 Vitality, +2026 Parry Rating,

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Pocket Items (level 75-130) are crafted by Scholars. Pocket Items (level 141-150) are crafted by Woodworkers. There are no crafted Pocket Items below level 75.