Faramir's Lookout

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Faramir's Lookout
Region: Eastern Gondor
Area: South Ithilien
Location: [65.1S, 6.1W]


Faramir's Lookout is a settlement located within the area of South Ithilien in Eastern Gondor. [65.1S, 6.1W]


The following services can be found within the settlement of Faramir's Lookout:


Tasks Bulletin Board


Destination Area Cost Prerequisites
Central Gondor
East Pelargir (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Eastern Gondor
Arnach (Swift) Lossarnach 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin South Ithilien 85 Silver Min. Level: 90
Bâr Húrin (Swift) South Ithilien 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Glaniath (Swift) Upper Lebennin 93 Silver50 Copper Min. Level: 90
Old Anórien
Minas Tirith - Main Gate (Swift) Minas Tirith 122 Silver Min. Level: 90
Western Gondor
Dol Amroth (Swift) Havens of Belfalas 122 Silver Min. Level: 90


The following deeds can be advanced by visiting this place:


  1. [100] To Faramir's Lookout - vector from Tuntham
  2. [100] The Glow from Rolanthir
  3. [100] The Watch of the Cross-roads
  4. [100] Into Osgiliath - vector to Osgiliath Culverts