Gladhir is a Ranger of of Ithilien first met as a Haradrim captive at Duindir in South Ithilien.
He is found at other locations as the Rangers join the Host of the West on their march north.
Gladhir (South Ithilien)
He is first met at Duindir, then the bridge to Bâr Húrin and Faramir's Lookout
Quest Involvement
Gladhir (March of the King)
He survives Osgiliath being overrun, and follows Faramir north into Osgiliath , Haerondir and the Wastes during the march north.
Quest Involvement
Gladhir (Cirith Ungol)
Gladhir follows Faramir and his company into the Morgul Vale, where he can be found at the camp of Echad Taerdim at the top of the Straight Stair.
Quest Involvement