Epic Quests

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As you journey through Middle-Earth, your character will have the opportunity to become a hero of Middle-Earth as you aid both the Fellowship and the Free Peoples with what is called the "Epic" quest line. This story is interwoven with J.R.R. Tolkien's epic fantasy, both working alongside it - in a story created specifically for The Lord of the Rings Online - and crossing-over into it at important or interesting moments.

After completing the first eight books of Volume 1, you will be granted the title A Light from the Shadow. Completing all Volume 1 books up to and including Book 15 will grant you the title Bearer of Hope. By finishing the first six books of Volume 2, the title Avenger of Khazad-dûm shall be awarded to you. Completing all of Volume 2 (up to and including Book 9) shall reward you with the title Stalwart against the Shadow. Completing all 14 books of Volume 3 will earn you the title Friend to the Heir of Isildur.

Introduction to the Epic Quests

Epic Introduction

Learn whether you have what it takes to become a hero of your race.

Volume I - The Shadows of Angmar


Assist your homeland as dark forces threaten.

Book I - Stirrings in the Darkness

Help the Rangers protect Bree-land, as one of their own is turned against them.

Book II - The Red Maid

Assist Radagast the Brown in the Lone-lands.

Book III - The Council of the North

Aid Men, Elves and Dwarves in the North Downs so they can gather for a council.

Book IV - Chasing Shadows

Search for the missing Black Rider in the Trollshaws with the help of the sons of Elrond, then assist Legolas in finding the source of the uncovered evil.

Book V - The Last Refuge

Venture into the Misty Mountains and search for Skorgrím and the Black Rider with the assistance of Gloin and Gimli.

Book VI - The Fires in the North

Uncover the secrets of Angmar's dreaded Watching Stones with the help of a Ranger in Aughaire.
Note: Completing this book will allow you to pass through Rammas Deluon [0.6S, 29.8W] without being instantly defeated.

Book VII - The Hidden Hope

Find the hidden Ranger refuge in northern Angmar and assist them in rescuing Golodir.
Note: Completing this book will get you the key to the gates of Carn Dûm.

Book VIII - The Scourge of the North

Rekindle Golodir's hope and help him in an attempt to defeat Mordirith, the steward of Angmar in Carn Dûm.

Book IX - The Shores of Evendim

Uncover more about the mysterious Sara Oakheart while venturing to Barad Gúlaran.

Book X - The City of the Kings

Help the Dunedain in the battle for Annúminas against the Angmarim.

Book XI - Prisoner of the Free Peoples

Explore Tâl Bruinen in the Trollshaws while searching for Narchuil, the ring of Amarthiel.

Book XII - The Ashen Wastes

Rescue Laerdan and continue the search for Narchuil.

Book XIII - Doom of the Last-king

Attempt to locate the missing half of Narchuil in the frozen wastes of Forochel.

Book XIV - The Ring-forges of Eregion

Assist and then pursue Laerdan as he tries to rescue his daughter.

Book XV - Daughter of Strife

Help Narmeleth to prove her purification and to defeat Mordirith and Mordrambor once and for all.

Volume II - Mines of Moria


Assist the Fellowship as they prepare to leave Rivendell in their quest to destroy the One Ring.

Book I - The Walls of Moria

Assist Bósi's dwarvish expedition to clear the Hollin Gate and gain access to Moria.

Book II - Echoes in the Dark

Help the Iron Garrison expedition establish a first foothold within Moria.

Book III - The Lord of Moria

The dwarves are determined to retake their halls, perhaps too eagerly. They need your assistance.

Book IV - Fire and Water

The orcs strike back.

Book V - Drums in the Deep

Some force has allied itself with the orcs of Moria. Discover who/what it is.

Book VI - The Shadowy Abyss

You have made your way through Moria. The dwarves seek aid from Lothlórien and Galadriel.

Book VII - The Leaves of Lórien

Reunite with the Fellowship of the Ring and help forge an alliance between the Dwarves of Khâzad-dûm and the Elves of Lothlórien.

Book VIII - Scourge of Khazad-dûm

Return to Moria to thwart the evil influence of Dol Guldur.

Book IX - Fortress of the Nazgul

Join the Malledhrim as they prepare to assault Dol Guldur, the fortress of the Nazgul.

Epilogue - Of Elves and Dwarves

Volume III - Allies of the King


Answer the call of Elrond Halfelven.

Book I - Oath of the Rangers

Travel throughout Eriador to gather the Grey Company.

Book II - Ride of the Grey Company

Assist the Rangers on the first leg of their journey south.

Book III - Echoes of the Dead

Discover more about the mysterious dwarf Nár.

Book IV - Rise of Isengard

Travel to Dunland, and uncover the influence of Saruman the Many-Coloured there. Aid the Grey Company in halting Saruman's advances, ally or do battle with the tribal Dunlendings, and tread the valley of Nan Curunír; where the enemy fortress of Isengard looms.

Book V - The Prince of Rohan

The time has come to part ways with the Grey Company, who must soon begin the next leg of their journey. Your aid, however, is required at the Fords of the Isen: where Prince Théodred of the Mark is preparing to do battle against Saruman's forces to secure the Gap of Rohan.

Book VI - Mists of Anduin

Seek the wisdom of the Lady Galadriel after experiencing troubling dreams, witness the return of Gandalf, now the White, and ride South past the Great River... towards Rohan.

Book VII - A Fellowship Endangered

The Fellowship of the Ring is in peril. At Galadriel's behest, you must lead a fellowship of your own to discover their fate.

Book VIII - Into the Riddermark

You must pursue the Uruk-hai (and the Fellowship they endanger) across the plains of Rohan. To do that, you're going to need a better horse...

Book IX - The Third Marshal

Ride with Éomer, the Third Marshal, to learn what became of the Uruk-hai, and what is to come for Rohan.

Book X - Snows of Wildermore

Investigate why contact has been lost with the region of Wildermore.

Book XI - The Golden Hall*

Witness the return of Théoden King and help prepare his people for war against the White Hand.

Book XII - War in the Westemnet*

Aid the people of West Rohan as the forces of Saruman ravage the land and treachery is found in unlikely places.

Book XIII - Helm's Deep*

Join the Rohirrim for their final stand at the fortress of the Hornburg, where the fate of Rohan will be decided.

Book XIV - The Waters of Isengard*

Journey with Aragorn, Gandalf and Theoden as they go to confront Saruman in Isengard.

* Access to Books 11-14 requires the purchase of the Helm's Deep expansion due to the inclusion of Epic Battles, an expansion-only feature, within the Epic Quest line.

Volume IV - The Strength of Sauron

Book I - The Road to Gondor

Travel south into the kingdom of Gondor and to the great city of Dol Amroth.

Book II - The Dawnless Day

Travel into Central Gondor and aid Aragorn in the retaking of Pelargir.

Book III - Voices of the Past

Aid Aragorn and the people of Eastern Gondor in preparation for the battle in Osgiliath.

Book IV - Siege of the White City

Defend the city of Minas Tirith against the besieging armies of Mordor.

Book V - The Ride of the Rohirrim

Aid the armies of Rohan and help them find a safe road to Minas Tirith in time to defend their allies against the ravening hordes of Mordor.

Book VI - The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

Take part in the final defence of Minas Tirith as the Witch-king of Angmar descends upon the field and many fates are decided.

Book VII - The March of the King

Escort Aragorn and the Host of the West into North Ithilien beneath the ever-watchful Eye of Sauron as you march toward the Black Land of Mordor, where the shadows lie.

Book VIII - The Black Gate

Experience the Host of the West’s climactic confrontation with Sauron’s forces at the Battle of the Black Gate, as Aragorn seeks to draw Sauron’s Eye away from his true peril.

Book IX - The Ring Of Power

Witness the fate of the One Ring and Sauron! The Epic quest line reaches a major milestone, and remains free to all players.

The Black Book of Mordor

Chapter 1 - Where the Shadows Lie

Sauron may be defeated, but much of his malice still remains in Mordor.

Chapter 2 - The Light of Eärendil

Uncover the mystery of a tainted artifact stolen from the dungeons of Durthang.

Chapter 3 - The Gúrzyul

In Sauron's wake, his lieutenants vie for power over the Plateau of Gorgoroth.

Chapter 4 - Union of Evil

Stop Lhaereth the Stained from uniting the forces of Darkness in Mordor.

Chapter 5 - Legacy of the Necromancer

Aid the Elves of Lothlórien and Mirkwood in their assault on Dol Guldur.

Chapter 6 - Wood, Lake, Mountain, and Stone

Chase the Weeping Warrior as he makes his way to the Strongholds of the North.

Chapter 7 - The Iron Hills

Aid the Erebor and Ironhill dwarves against foes of the east and make a suprising discovery.

Chapter 8 - The Grey Mountains

Aid Durin, son of Thorin III, in his quest for glory in the Grey Mountains.

Chapter 9 - The Grey Mountains

Aid the Zhélruka in their battle against Karazgar.

Chapter 10 - The Vales of Anduin

Aid the Beornings and the Wilderfolk in the Vales of Anduin.


The overall plan for the Epic Story in LOTRO reads a bit like a “Most Exciting Places to Visit!” travelogue for Middle-earth. Consider Volume I: the Last Homely House in Rivendell; the evil city of Carn Dûm in Angmar; the ruins of Annúminas on Lake Evendim; the ring-forges of Eregion.
Volume II has a similar list: the dwarf-kingdom of Moria; the golden city of Caras Galadhon in Lothlórien; Sauron’s fortress of Dol Guldur in Mirkwood.
In Volume III, you will explore Isengard, see the rolling plains of Rohan, and marvel at one of the greatest man-made (as opposed to dwarf-, hobbit- or elf-made) fortresses ever built, Helm's Deep!
In Volume IV, you begin by journeying through many places within West Gondor to get to Dol Amroth. Then, you will aid the people of Central Gondor in retaking Pelargir. You find the grand city of Osgiliath in ruins. Escaping Osgiliath, you make it to Minas Tirith, barely avoiding the advancing forces of the approaching siege by mere luck. You then find the Riders of Rohan somewhere in Far Anórien and go with them into battle! Now, it's time to march North towards the Black Gate and towards Mordor. Then journey up through the wastes to the Battle Of The Black Gate
And that's not all! There will be more places to see in the future!

The Black Book of Mordor is the story line which narrates the way through the unexplored territory of Mordor, while the Epic Quest line continues to trace the activities of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Something as evil as Sauron doesn’t just go away and everything is fine. Mordor is a tremendous pit of evil and players are going to have to deal with the things that remain.
The Fellowship is no longer the Focus, The Black Book of Mordor" deals with what happens AFTER the Ring is gone.
Who / what are left after Sauron and the Nazgûl are gone?
A number of Dark Personages are now rising in power. What is driving the Darkness? Players must determine who/what is filling that vacuum and prevent it from seeping out into the rest of Middle-earth.


Volume III Book 4 Quest Notes By: Jeff ‘MadeOfLions’ Libby.