Virtue Deeds
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to Update 24, this is now obsolete. For the new virtue system see Virtue Traits |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- [1] Ally of Ered Luin
- [6] Hero of Ered Luin (+2 ranks)
- North Downs Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- [50] Defilers of the Forgotten Treasury (Advanced)
- [55] The Vile Maw
- [50] Legend of the Deeps (+2 ranks) (Obsolete)
- [50] Quests of the Great Delving
- [55] Quests of the Dimrill Dale
- [55] Adventurer in the Upper Levels (Obsolete)
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- [65] Exploring Starkmoor
- [65] Goblin-slayer (Advanced)
- [70] Quests of Dunland
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- [100] The Legacy of Pelargir
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- [100] Quests of Upper Lebennin
- Old Anórien Deeds
- [100] Old Anórien Farms
- March of the King Deeds
- The Wastes Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds (Mordor)
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Elf (Friend with Elves of Rivendell)
- Award of Elven Virtue (+1 Charity, Patience and Wisdom)
By Region and Level:
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- none
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
- Far Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds (Mordor)
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- none
By Region and Level:
- Ered Luin Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- 25 The Road to War (+2 ranks)
- 45 The Angmarim of Carn Dûm (Advanced)
- Forochel Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 50 Troll-slayer (Advanced) (Moria)
- 53 The Cliffs of Zirakzigil (+2 ranks)
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Man (Friend with Men of Bree)
- Award of Men's Virtue (+1 Confidence, Justice, Patience)
By Region and Level:
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Bree-land Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- March of the King Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- 41 Marching into Shadow (Final) (+2 ranks)
- 45 The Dead That Live (Advanced)
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 55 Beasts of the Grand Stair (Advanced)
- 55 Eyes of the Enemy (Advanced)
- 50 Quests of the Flaming Deeps
- 50 Quests of the Silvertine Lodes
- 50 Exemplar of the Central Levels (Obsolete)
- 55 Defender of the Upper Levels (Obsolete)
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- none
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Hobbit (Friend with the Mathom Society)
- Award of Hobbit Virtue (+1 Empathy, Honesty and Idealism)
By Region and Level:
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- March of the King Quest Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Dwarf (Friend with Thorin's Hall)
Award of Dwarf Virtue (+1 Fidelity, Honesty and Loyalty)
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- The Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 50 Warg-slayer (Advanced) (+2 ranks)
- 55 Blinded by Fire (Advanced)
- Mirkwood Deeds
- 60 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Intermediate) (20 quests)
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- none
- Central Gondor Deeds
- none
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- The Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- 60 Into the Black and Twisted Forest (Advanced) (30 quests)
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Dwarf (Friend with Thorin's Hall)
Award of Dwarf Virtue (+1 Fidelity, Honesty and Loyalty)
- Hobbit (Friend with the Mathom Society)
- Award of Hobbit Virtue (+1 Empathy, Honesty and Idealism)
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- The Lone-lands Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 53 In the Footsteps of the Fellowship (+2 ranks)
- Lothlórien Deeds
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Lone-lands Deeds
- 11 Tales of the Lonely Road (Final) (+2 ranks)
- Trollshaws Deeds
- 39 Deeds in the Wilderness (Final) (+2 ranks)
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 55 Heart of the Enemy
- 55 Leaders of the Hive
- 47 Wanderer of the Central Levels (Obsolete)
- 50 Western Durin's Way
- 50 Quests of Durin's Way
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- none
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- March of the King Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds (Mordor)
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- Iron Hills Explorer Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Hobbit (Friend with the Mathom Society)
- Award of Hobbit Virtue (+1 Empathy, Honesty and Idealism)
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- The Shire Deeds
- 5 The Life of a Bounder (Final) (+2 ranks)
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- 39 Peril of the Mountains (Final) (+2 ranks)
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 50 Morroval-slayer (Advanced) (+2 ranks)
- 55 The Horrors with Many Legs (Advanced)
- 50 Quests of the Water-works
- 50 Warrior of the Shadows (Obsolete)
- 50 Quests of the Great Delving
- 50 Quests of the Redhorn Lodes
- 50 Quests of Zelem-melek
- 50 Stalwart of the Central Levels (Obsolete)
- 55 Hero of the Upper Levels (Obsolete)
- 55 Adventurer in the Upper Levels (Obsolete)
- Lothlórien Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
List of Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Man (Friend with Men of Bree)
- Award of Men's Virtue (+1 Confidence, Justice and Patience)
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- 8 Bree-land Adventurer (Final) (+2 ranks)
- North Downs Deeds
- 24 Of Glories Long Past (Final) (+2 ranks)
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 55 The Hounds of Skûmfil (Advanced)
- 55 Villains of the Grand Stair (Part 2)
- 53 Nud-melek (+2 ranks)
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- 100 The Morgul-host
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- Iron Hills Explorer Deeds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Dwarf (Friend with Thorin's Hall)
Award of Dwarf Virtue (+1 Fidelity, Honesty and Loyalty)
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- The Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 53 Nameless-slayer (Advanced) (+2 ranks)
- 55 The Blighted Ones (Advanced)
- Lothlórien Deeds
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- none
- Central Gondor Deeds
- none
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 55 Carriers of the Blight (Advanced)
- 55 Nameless-slayer (Advanced) Dark Delvings
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- 115 Quests of Erebor
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Elf (Friend with Elves of Rivendell)
- Award of Elven Virtue (+1 Charity, Patience and Wisdom)
- Man (Friend with Men of Bree)
- Award of Men's Virtue (+1 Confidence, Justice, Patience)
"The three of you are hereby banished from Edoras." —Gríma Wormtongue Obsolete Due to update 24, this trait is now obsolete. replaced by Virtue Experience |
By Region and Level:
- The Shire Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- 25 Bastions of Hope (+2 ranks)
- 45 The Enemy's Stronghold
- Moria Deeds
- 46 Deep-claw Slayer (Advanced)
- 55 Fallen to Blight (Advanced)
- 55 Leaders of the Nameless
- 50 The Flaming Deeps
- 50 The Water-works (+2 ranks)
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- none
- Central Gondor Deeds
- none
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- The Shire Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- 50 Spider-slayer (Advanced)
- 50 Worm-slayer (Advanced) (+2 ranks)
- 55 The Foundations of Stone
- Lothlórien Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
By Region and Level:
- Ered Luin Deeds
- Bree-land Deeds
- Lone-lands Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Eregion Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Mirkwood Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- 100 The Five Sisters
- Old Anórien Deeds
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds (Mordor)
- none
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- [115] The Path of the Company
- The Dwarf-holds Deeds
- [120] Deeds of the Dwarf-holds
Reputation Award Increases, available/purchasable at specified reputation level, by Race (race required to use):
- Elf (Friend with Elves of Rivendell)
- Award of Elven Virtue (+1 Charity, Patience and Wisdom)
By Region and Level:
- Bree-land Deeds
- Ered Luin Deeds
- North Downs Deeds
- Trollshaws Deeds
- Misty Mountains Deeds
- Evendim Deeds
- Angmar Deeds
- Forochel Deeds
- Moria Deeds
- Enedwaith Deeds
- Dunland Deeds
- The Great River Deeds
- East Rohan Deeds
- Wildermore Deeds
- West Rohan Deeds
- Western Gondor Deeds
- Central Gondor Deeds
- Eastern Gondor Deeds
- Old Anórien Deeds
- none
- Conquest of Gorgoroth Deeds (Mordor)
- Eryn Lasgalen and the Dale-lands Deeds
- Iron Hills Explorer Deeds