Treasure-seeker of the Ironfold

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Deed Lore

Discover Dwarf Mining Caches in the Ered Mithrin.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Discover the many Dwarf Mining Caches in the Ironfold (10)
You have discovered many dwarf mining caches, lost in the Ironfold.


   5 LOTRO Points
   25 Marks
  3 Mark of the Longbeards
   <name>, Seeker of Dwarf Mines
   2,000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Dwarves of Erebor ( 700 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[27.5N, 17.4W] Along the cliff northwest of Utterby
[27.8N, 12.7W] South of Hammerstead, half-way up a rock mountain
[22.0N, 11.6W] On the southeast slope of the Dáinlik
[24.2N, 9.5W] On the west bank of the river
[22.9N, 8.8W] On the east bank of the river near the waterfall
[29.0N, 6.8W] At the base of the waterfall (west bank of the river) far west of Járnfast
[28.6N, 5.0W] On the west ledge near the waterfall close west of Járnfast
[27.9N, 4.7W] Under the eastern end of the bridge to Járnfast
[26.4N, 4.6W] South of Járnfast, across the river
[25.0N, 5.3W] On the east ledge near the waterfall south of Járnfast

Possible Chest Contents

You have found an ancient  Mining Cache

You open the ancient chest and find:

Note: Each chest may contain any of the following, or nothing.
