Explorer of Talath Úrui

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Deed Lore

Explore the burning plains of Talath Úrui.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

Complete Outposts Along the Burning Plain
Explored Talath Úrui's road-side buildings.
Complete Nargroth Explorer
Explored the Caverns of Fire.
Complete The Tainted Reserves
Explored Talath Úrui's water reserves.
Complete Rare Gorgoroth Chests of Talath Úrui
Found rare treasure chests in Talath Úrui.
Complete Treasure of Talath Úrui
Found ancient treasure in Talath Úrui.


   10 LOTRO Points
   100 Marks
  3 Rejuvenation Potion
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Conquest of Gorgoroth ( 700 )

Deed Chain Information

  1. Outposts Along the Burning Plain
  2. Nargroth Explorer
  3. The Tainted Reserves
  4. Rare Gorgoroth Chests of Talath Úrui
  5. Treasure of Talath Úrui

Additional Information