Eastfold Exploration

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Deed Lore

Rohan is home to many great cities and settlements.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

You have discovered Aldburg.
You have discovered Fenmarch.
You have discovered Beaconwatch.
You have discovered Folde Farm.
You have discovered Gris-shâtroful.
You have discovered Dorr-shâtroful.


   5 LOTRO Points
   30 Marks
   <name>, Explorer of the Eastfold
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with The Eorlingas ( 500 )

Additional Information


Coordinates Directions / Description
[68.7S, 63.9W] Aldburg
[66.5S, 57.8W] Fenmarch
[69.6S, 57.4W] Beaconwatch
[67.2S, 63.2W] Folde Farm
[68.0S, 60.0W] Gris-shâtroful
[74.1S, 58.7W] Dorr-shâtroful