Explorer of Dunland

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Deed Lore

Dunland is a large and wild land, inhabited by good and wicked folk alike. You should explore the many landmarks of Dunland.

To complete this deed perform the following objective(s)

The Bonevales are an extension of the Lich Bluffs of Enedwaith, but a section where evil had never stirred until now.
Carreglyn is controlled by the Uch-lûth, the Ox-clan, who operate a significant mine in the service of Saruman.
The Dunbog is home to a number of backwater clans and refugees from the Boar-clan.
The Gravenwood is a sacred place of the Dunlendings, both honoured and feared.
The Heathfells are a wide stretch of land in the Gap of Rohan which lie between Nan Curunír, the Isendale, and Rohan.
The Isendale lies at the entrance to the Gap of Rohan, leading into the Heathfells.
The wide vale of Nan Curunír is home to Isengard and the tower of Orthanc, home of Saruman the White.
Pren Gwydh is the cultural centre of Dunland. Here, representatives from many clans come to trade.
The Starkmoor is a territory controlled by the Uch-lûth, the Ox-clan, and is home to Avardin, a major trading outpost.
Trum Dreng is a pastoral land that is home to the Caru-lûth, the Stag-clan, a people that is slowly dwindling from Dunland.


   10 LOTRO Points
   100 Marks
   Enhancement Runes, Incomparable
  3 Rejuvenation Potion
   <name>, Explorer of Dunland
   2000 Virtue Experience
   Increased Reputation with Men of Dunland ( 900 )

Additional Information

  • This deed is available at level 62.
  • This deed contributes to the Deeds of Dunland meta-deed.


Coordinates Directions / Description
[76.8S, 15.0W] Bonevales: the Bone Quarry
[76.1S, 14.3W] Bonevales: Plas-maru
[77.3S, 15.8W] Bonevales: Echad Naeglanc
[76.7S, 18.2W] Bonevales: Lhan Bach
[75.8S, 17.5W] Bonevales: Lhan Gogledh
[84.9S, 16.8W] Carreglyn: Lower Barnavon
[84.9S, 17.6W] Carreglyn: Upper Barnavon
[81.9S, 15.7W] Carreglyn: Naur-maudhûl
[84.7S, 14.4W] Carreglyn: Barnavon Mine
[85.1S, 15.1W] Carreglyn: Hen Turrau
[86.0S, 17.4W] Carreglyn: Lhun Avanc
[83.9S, 16.8W] Carreglyn: Munfaeril's Shrine
[84.0S, 24.4W] Dunbog: Lhan Colvarn
[87.2S, 23.2W] Dunbog: Lhan Rhos
[88.8S, 23.8W] Dunbog: the Withered Stones
[88.0S, 25.7W] Dunbog: Durgors
[85.5S, 25.7W] Dunbog: The Pristine Glade
[81.0S, 11.2W] Gravenwood: the Tree of Tribute
[80.1S, 11.6W] Gravenwood: the Mustering Tree
[80.9S, 10.6W] Gravenwood: Rohirrim Scout-camp
[82.8S, 9.8W] Gravenwood: the Slade of Shadows
[78.1S, 11.4W] Gravenwood: Uvel-cadlus
[80.1S, 13.4W] Gravenwood: Rhuvel-cadlus
[84.2S, 10.5W] Gravenwood: Ak-ghru
[83.4S, 20.7W] Starkmoor: Avardin
[81.7S, 18.2W] Starkmoor: Flam-cadlus
[81.3S, 21.3W] Starkmoor: Cartrev Andras
[84.4S, 18.9W] Starkmoor: The Hound's Rest
[83.3S, 21.4W] Starkmoor: The Culling Pit
[87.7S, 17.3W] Starkmoor: Wulf's Cleft Overlook
[76.9S, 23.0W] Trum Dreng: Dire Hollow
[79.2S, 24.0W] Trum Dreng: the Herd-lands
[75.3S, 22.7W] Trum Dreng: Lhan Tarren
[74.3S, 22.2W] Trum Dreng: the North Pass
[76.2S, 21.4W] Trum Dreng: the Watch-tower
[78.3S, 21.2W] Trum Dreng: the White Hand Outpost
[87.8S, 3.9W] Heathfells: Grimbold's Camp
[88.4S, 6.8W] Heathfells: Dol Baran
[89.2S, 3.7W] Heathfells: River-watch
[86.1S, 3.7W] Heathfells: Pit of Iron
[51.3N, 91.4W] Heathfells: Slave Stockades Inside Pit of Iron
[50.7N, 92.4W] Heathfells: The Smelters Inside Pit of Iron
[50.8N, 93.0W] Heathfells: The Underworkings Inside Pit of Iron