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New Overall Quest Chain

1) Scouting the Wild with Alphlanc at The Last Bridge (lv35) Vector to Barachen
2) Trampling Hooves with Barachen, new location Lavanim (lv35) to Barachen
3) Trouble by the Last Bridge with Barachen (lv35), to Alphlanc to Heithur Ironfist
4) The Stolen Stones with Heithur Ironfist (lv35), to Tóki Whitebeard

4a) Feeding Frenzy landscape quest, (lvl35), selfcomplete (click)

5) The True Thieves with Tóki Whitebeard, (lvl35), to Heithur Ironfist

5a) Very Unlike Trolls landscape quest, (lv35), selfcomplete (click)

6) Scouts Among the Bruinen Gorges with Barachen (lvl35), to Narlinn
7.1) A Snarling Threat with Fimgris (lv36), autocomplete
8.1) The Wolves of Drauglad landscape, lv36 to Fimgris
7.2) A Perfect Feather with Narlinn (lvl36) to Arrod
8.2) From Thorenhad with Arrod lv36 to Arrod
9) Trolls in the Shaws with Arrod lv36, autocomplete
10) Into the Cave landscape (lv36) to Arrod
11) Word of Warning lv36 with Arrod to Narlinn
12) The Sons of Elrond (lv36) with Narlinn to Elladan
13) Wolves at Their Backs with Elladan (lv36) to Pothlorn
14) Ost Thondol with Pothlorn lv36 to Elladan
15) A Scout in Nan Tornaeth with Elrohir (lv37) to Calenthon
16) Beasts Among the Ruins with Calenthon (lv37) selfcomplete (click)
17) A Chilling Revelation landscape (lv37) to Calenthon
18) The Missing Scout with Calenthon (lv37) to Malloval
19) Keepers of the Dead with Malloval (lv37) selfcomplete (click)
20) Master of the Risen landscape (lv37) to Calenthon
21) Return to Thorenhad with Calenthon (lv37) to Elrohir
22.1) House of the Master with Elrohir (lv39) to Anhebir to Elrond
23.1) A Place of Rest with Elrond (lv39) to Elrond

23.1a) Frodo's Burden with Gandalf (lv39) to Gandalf
Instance:Frodo's Burden
23.1b) The Riddle-game with Bilbo (lv39) to Lindir
24.1b) The Riddle-maker with Lindir (lv39) to Bilbo
25.1b) The Riddle-finder with Bilbo (lv39) to Boromir to Lindir
26.1b) The Riddle-seeker with Lindir (lv39) to Elrond to Glorfindel
27.1b) The Riddle-master with Glorfindel (lv39) to Elrond

24.1) Laying to Rest the Evil Dead (lv39) with Elrond to Glorfindel to Elrond

Instance: Laying to Rest the Evil Dead

22.2) A Road Seldom Travelled with Elrohir (lv38) to Haradir to Nestael
23.2) Dangerous Enterprise with Tongannel (lv38), selfcomplete (click)
24.2) An End to the Enterprise, landscape, (lv38) to Tongannel

23.2a) Sorcerers of the Wolf, landscape (lv38), selfcomplete (click)

25.2) A Cause for Sorrow with Tongannel (lv38), to Nora Strawley
26.2) A Cause for Joy with Nora Strawley (lv38), to Tongannel
23.3) Quest:Toad-stew with Indor (lv38) to Indor
24.3) A Touch of Mint with Indor (lv38) to Indor
25.3) A Surprising Taste with Indor (lv38) to Candelleth to Indor
23.4) The White Hart with Wistan (lv38) to White Hart Corpse
24.4) What Beast? landscape, (lv38), selfcomplete (click)
25.4) The Creeping Shadow, landscape, (lv38), to Afanen
26.4) Quick Preparations with Afanen, (lv38) to Garbert
27.4) A Trap for the Creature with Garbert (lv38) to Wistan

Instance: A Trap for the Creature

23.5) Worms On the Heights with Daervellas (lv38), selfcomplete (click)
24.5) Sarnemil's Flight, landscape (lv38), to Daervellas
23.6) A Bumpy Road with Bainthir (lv38) to Bainthir
23.7) Wandering Trolls with Cerys (lv38) to Cerys
23.8) Surprise Pipe-weed with Stray Barrel (lv38) to Pippin
23.9) Giant Footprints with Large Footprint (lv38) to Candelleth
24.9) Down from the Mountains? (F) with Candelleth (Lv39) to Ringhul to Arifael
25.9) A Better Sort of Giant (F) with Arifael (lv39) to Arifael
26.9) Mountain Raiders (F) with Arifael (lv39) to Ringhul
27.9) Scouting the Mountains (lv40) with Ringhul to Gwaemithrin (MM Vector)
28) The Marchwarden of the High Moor (lv39) with Candelleth to Ringhul

New Daily Quests (by area)

South Trollshaws

Bruinen Gorges

Nan Tornaeth

Tâl Bruinen

High Moor

Giant Valley