Quest:From Thorenhad

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From Thorenhad
Level 36
Type Solo
Starts with Arrod
Starts at Bruinen Gorges
Start Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [33.8S, 14.6W]
Ends with Arrod
Ends at Bruinen Gorges
End Region Trollshaws
Map Ref [33.8S, 14.6W]
Quest Group Trollshaws
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I saw the hendroval come from the north-west, <name>. There is a den of bears there in the shadow of Thorenhad. It may be that the hendroval was spying upon Elladan and Elrohir, and Caledhroval discovered it....

'If that is indeed where Caledhroval fell, there might still be some evidence present to suggest exactly what happened. Would you go to the bear-den and search for this evidence? You need only follow the road northward to the den.'


Arrod's bird-companion, Caledhroval, was seriously wounded by a hendroval and carried back to the scavengers' nest near Arrod's post.

Objective 1

The bear-den lies off the road to the north-west of Arrod's camp, in the shadow of Thorenhad.

Arrod asked you to search the bear-den for evidence of what transpired between Caledhroval and the hendroval.

Found the bear-den beneath Thorenhad

Objective 2

The bear-den lies off the road to the north-west of Arrod's camp, in the shadow of Thorenhad.

Arrod asked you to search the bear-den for evidence of what transpired between Caledhroval and the hendroval.

You have found Caledhroval, wounded

Objective 3

  • Bring Caledhroval to Arrod

Arrod is encamped in the Bruinen Gorges, upon the cliff overlooking the eastward road, south-east of the bear-den.

You should bring Caledhroval to Arrod at once, so that the Elf may tend to his friend's wounds.

Arrod: 'Caledhroval! My friend lives!
'Thank you for bringing him to me...I will tend to his wounds. However, I know for certain now that the hendroval was indeed a spy.'