Tóki Whitebeard

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Tóki Whitebeard
Image of Tóki Whitebeard
Gender Male
Race Dwarf
Level 35
Difficulty Signature
Morale 1,420
Power 203
Region Trollshaws
Area South Trollshaws
Landmark Ost Dúrgonn
Map Ref [31.8S, 20.7W]


Tóki Whitebeard is found at Ost Dúrgonn, in the Trollshaws. He is the last of the dwarf-company of Heithur Ironfist charged with protecting a precious dwarven artefact.

Quest Involvement


"Find Heithur Ironfist...and tell him that the stones were stolen...by trolls. I'll be fine...you must hurry! I well...rejoin him later...."
"Tell Heithur Ironfist about the trolls that stole the stones, friend! You have my thanks!"