Quest:Instance: Frodo's Burden

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Instance: Frodo's Burden
Level 39
Type Solo only
Starts with Frodo Baggins
Starts at Bilbo's Room
Start Region Rivendell
Map Ref [29.6S, 3.3W]
Quest Group Trollshaws
Reflecting Pool Trollshaws Reflecting Pool
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"I am concerned for Frodo, for he bears a great burden. It is my hope that those whom I have sent to watch over the hobbit will determine if his mind remains strong enough for the task for which he has been chosen...."


Gandalf the Grey has asked you to speak with Frodo Baggins about his troubles.

Objective 1

Frodo is outside the Last Homely House, taking in the night air.

Gandalf the Grey asked you to walk with Frodo Baggins and to gauge his state-of-mind.

Frodo: 'A walk is just the thing, <name>. You can tell me about your adventures. There is nothing I like quite so much as a good adventure-story.
'Real adventures aren't the same, are they?'

Objective 2

  • Walk with Frodo

Frodo is on the paths outside the Last Homely House, taking in the night air.

Gandalf the Grey asked you to walk with Frodo Baggins and to gauge his state-of-mind.

Frodo says, "Have you been in Rivendell long?"
Frodo says, "Sam thinks it a queer place, but I think he likes it too."
Frodo says, "Do you like being an adventurer?"
Frodo says, "I used to wish I could have adventures, like Bilbo did!"
Frodo says, "My own adventure wasn't like Bilbo's at all."
Frodo says, "It is so beautiful. It is nothing like the Shire, though."

Objective 3

  • Walk with Frodo

Frodo is on the paths outside the Last Homely House, taking in the night air.

Gandalf the Grey asked you to walk with Frodo Baggins and to gauge his state-of-mind.

Frodo says, "I'm sorry. I am not very good company tonight, am I?"
Frodo says, "There is something I need to do, but... I am afraid."
Frodo says, "I am afraid for my friends. They love me too much to let me do this myself."
Frodo says, "I almost wish they didn't."
Frodo says, "I don't mean that. I should be happy that I have such good friends!"

Objective 4

  • Walk with Frodo

Frodo is on the paths outside the Last Homely House, taking in the night air.

Gandalf the Grey asked you to walk with Frodo Baggins and to gauge his state-of-mind.

Frodo says, "I am sure there's nothing to worry about."
Frodo says, "I will have many strong protectors, after all. Master Elrond did not wish for me to be alone."
Frodo says, "And Gandalf will be with me, too."
Frodo says, "He would never let anything happen to me."

Objective 5

  • Talk to Frodo

Frodo is standing at a crossing of paths not far from the Last Homely House.

Your walk with Frodo seems to have soothed some of his anxieties.

Sam says, "Mr. Frodo! Mr. Frodo!"
Sam says, "There you are, Mr. Frodo! You shouldn't go off by yourself, you know."
Sam: 'I'm sure you're a perfectly respectable <race>, but I'd just as soon you left Mr. Frodo alone. I don't mean no offense, but Mr. Frodo's gotten himself into trouble with strange folk before, if you take my meaning.'
Frodo: 'I've always said that a nice walk in the night air will do wonders to clear one's head, and it seems that I was right - I feel much better now, <name>.
'I enjoyed our conversation. If I see you again, we'll have to have another.
'When I see you again, I mean.'
Frodo: 'Thank you again for the walk, <name>. Maybe things are not quite so grim after all.'