Quest:The Unwelcome Guest

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The Unwelcome Guest
Level 68
Type Solo
Starts with Wynfor
Starts at Tâl Methedras
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [74.3S, 8.7W]
Quest Group Vol. III. Book 4
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I do not like it, <name>. Someone has been sneaking around the far shore of the lake under cover of night. It is not one of my people, and I do not think it is one of yours, either.

'I am not as spry as I was when I was young. I cannot track this unwelcome guest, but perhaps you can. Go to the far shore of the lake and look for the footprints of this intruder. That may tell me something I can use.

'Kill the avanc while you are there and bring me their jaws. I have an idea.'


Wynfor has seen someone sneaking around the far shore of the lake in Tâl Methedras and wants you to investigate.

Objective 1

  • Find a set of footprints on the western shore of the lake, north-west of the eyot
  • Find a set of foodprints beneath the rocky cliffs west of the western shore
  • Collect avanc-jaws (0/5)

There may be footprints on the far side of the lake, and there certainly are avanc.

Wynfor wants you to look for footprints on the far side of the lake in Tâl Methedras. He also wants you to slay avanc and bring him their jaws.

You find a set of deep footprints at the base of the rock
The footprints appear to have been made by someone not wearing shoes
You find a set of shallow footprints in the mud
The footprints appear to have been made by someone not wearing shoes

Objective 2

Wynfor is at Tûr Morva, in Tâl Methedras.

You have scouted the far shore of the lake for footprints and have also collected the jaws of the avanc that live there. You should bring them to Wynfor as he requested.

Wynfor: 'That was fast. Did you really find any sign of the intruder I saw?'
Wynfor listens as you describe the footprints you found on the far shore of the lake. He nods.
'Those sound like women's feet, <name>. Some woman is creeping around in the dark, and she does to want to be found. If she is not one of ours, and she is not one of yours, then she is an enemy.
'Hand me those avanc-jaw.'