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A set of mannequins in Archet

Mannequins are found throughout Middle-earth and are used by vendors or acting on their own. They display outfits for sale. They usually appear in a four-mannequin set of a Hobbit, Elf, Dwarf, and Man.

Each outfit costs 50 Mithril Coin 

The outfits seems to change at some interval, at least at some locations. (Should be updated with better details on the interval and if there is some pattern to what the outfits changes from-to.)

Current Offers:

 Expert Treasure Hunter's Set
 Hill-kern's Set
 Set of the Elf-knight
 Set of the Jester


Coordinates Directions / Description
[24.8S, 48.8W] Archet - next to the weapon vendors - only during the Hobbit/Man Intro
[31.0S, 51.0W] Bree - outside the Weapons and Armour Shop
[30.2S, 51.3W] Bree - Lalia's Market - by the south entrance/north exit
[29.9S, 52.4W] Bree - outside the Bree-town Vault
[31.8S, 76.7W] Little Delving - near the Post Office
[34.2S, 75.0W] Michel Delving - near the Vendor Hall
[15.0S, 103.1W] Thorin's Gate - Frerin's Court - only during the Dwarf/Elf Intro
[13.7S, 103.2W] Thorin's Hall - Hall of Kings - in the southwestern corner
[40.1S, 16.0W] Gwingris - by the Healer, Supplier, and Provisioner

More Locations coming soon


Originally Mannequins served as in-world links to the Lotro Store, but currently they use the intermediary Mithril Coin currency.

*Note: Scroll down to find the Item page under 'File Usage'. If there are more than one, it means they all share the same appearance.